21 - "Il giorno del diploma", Commenti sulla puntata e qualche foto

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view post Posted on 22/8/2003, 23:34

lavoce di quello di prima era semplicemente perfetta e ora me l'hanno rovinato !!!!!!!!!!
Anche a me piaceva da morire....
view post Posted on 22/8/2003, 23:50

quindi potrei chiedervi di raccontami con tutti i particolari della puntata sopratutto la telefonata di a jess a rory !!!!!!!!!!!

Rory, ti lascio alcuni dialoghi..xò sn in inglese..spero che tu ci capisca..

Phone rings

RORY: I'll get it.

LORELAI: Hey, now, if that's Mick Jagger, hang up and blow that whistle I gave you.

RORY: [answers phone] Hello?

JESS: Hi. [pause] Hello?


JESS: Is this a bad time?

RORY: Um, no, just hold on a sec? [to Lorelai] Um, the music. . . uh, I'll be right back. [Rory takes the phone to her room and closes the door.] Hi.

JESS: You said that already.

RORY: I did. You're right, sorry.

JESS: So, what's up?

RORY: Nothing. What about you?

JESS: Same.

RORY: So, what have you been doing?

JESS: Nothin' much. Just hanging out. . . in the park, mostly.

RORY: Central Park?

JESS: Washington Square Park.


JESS: It's cooler.

RORY: Yes.

JESS: It's where David Lee Roth got busted.

RORY: Right, right. I hope he's got it together now.

JESS: Sounds like you got a party going on there.

RORY: No, it's just me and my mom.

JESS: Right. Okay, well, I'm gonna go. This is long distance.

RORY: Yeah, it is long distance.

JESS: So, see ya.

[Jess is reading on a bench as Rory walks up behind him]


JESS: How ya doing?

RORY: Good, how about you?

JESS: Good. You hungry?

RORY: Starved.

JESS: I know a place.

[They walk off together.]


[Jess and Rory are walking down the street]

RORY: I feel very urban today.

JESS: Oh yeah, the plaid just screams urban.

RORY: I think I look like a native.

JESS: How well do you know Manhattan?

RORY: I've been here a few times. We saw The Bangles here.

JESS: When was that, twenty years ago?

RORY: It was a reunion and they were great.

JESS: Yeah, they're okay.

RORY: And a couple years ago Mom drove us in to shop, and she couldn't find a good parking place and all of the parking lots were a total rip-off, so she kept making U-turns and cutting off taxis and we were being screamed at in so many different languages that we just turned around and drove home and bought a Hummel at the curio store in Stars Hollow.

JESS: How very adventurous.

RORY: I'm just saying I'm no stranger to the Big Apple.

JESS: You are if you're calling it the Big Apple.

RORY: So I don't have the lingo down yet, but at least I have the attitude.

JESS: You do, huh?

RORY: Oh yeah. When I was getting a locker for my backpack at the bus stop, there was this guy and he was just standing there staring at me and instead of ignoring him I just fixed him with a really withering stare.

JESS: That I've got to see.


JESS: Oh, come on, let me see your withering stare.

RORY: It's dangerous. I could hurt you.

JESS: I've been hurt before.


JESS: I'm disappointed. So your arm's okay?

RORY: Yeah, it looks worse than it is.

JESS: [Looks at Rory's cast.] I like this Emily chick. Friend of yours?

RORY: She's a friend to all of us dispossessed.

JESS: So here's our lunch place.

RORY: A hot dog stand?

JESS: Hey, I eat here everyday. It's nothing fancy, but -

RORY: No, I love it. It's perfect.

JESS: Good. [to hot dog vendor] One with everything on it.

RORY: Make that two, please.

JESS: So, uh. . .how's -

RORY: Luke?

JESS: Yeah.

RORY: Okay. He went fishing.

JESS: Fishing?

RORY: Yeah. He didn't catch anything though.

JESS: Probably used the wrong bait.

RORY: Yeah, that's a common fishing blunder.

JESS: So he's good?

RORY: Yeah, he's good. I can tell him hello for you if you want.

JESS: Whatever.

RORY: [to hot dog vendor] Thank you. [takes a bite] Oh, my God, this is really good!

JESS: I’m glad you like it. So how much time you got?

RORY: I got a bit.

JESS: There's a record store you should check out. It's run by this insane freak who's like a walking encyclopedia for every punk and garage-band record ever made. Catalog numbers. . .it’s crazy. The place is right out of High Fidelity.

RORY: Let's go.

JESS: Okay.

RORY: Where you going?

JESS: Subway.

RORY: I thought we were gonna walk.

JESS: It's fifteen blocks. Come on, I think you'll like it.

RORY: Do they allow hot dogs in the subway?

JESS: You are so an out-of-towner.

RORY: Yeah, see ya.


[Rory and Jess are looking through the records]

JESS: I haven't even heard of half these bands.

RORY: I love that about this place. God, Lane would wanna live here.

JESS: Who's Slim?

RORY: I don't know.

OWNER: Grunge band out of Kentucky. Two albums, plus a double-A side single, disbanded in '94.

JESS: Thanks.

RORY: [looks through the records] Oh my God!

JESS: What?

RORY: Look! [shows him a record]

JESS: Go-go's. You must have that one.

RORY: No, for my mom. This was her favorite group when she was my age, and it's signed by Belinda. This would be the perfect graduation present. I've been looking for something all week long, and I couldn't find anything and now I have Belinda.

JESS: Graduation?

RORY: Oh, from college, from business classes.

JESS: I'm surprised she has time for anything except lighting darts on fire and throwing them at my picture.

RORY: Well, it's not a lot of time, but . . .

JESS: Uh-huh. Go on, get it. She'll like it.

RORY: Thank you so much for bringing me here. This was fate.

JESS: Yes, it was.

RORY: And in return, I just might show you my withering stare.

JESS: I'm a lucky man.


[Rory and Jess are walking toward her bus]

RORY: I think this one's mine.

JESS: Yup, the sign says Boonesville.

TOURIST: Excuse me, I'm so sorry to bother you. Which way is 44th?

RORY: Oh, um, that way.

TOURIST: Great, thanks.

RORY: I got asked directions.

JESS: I saw.

RORY: He took me for a native. That's so cool.

JESS: That's very impressive. 44th's the other way.

RORY: Oh no.

JESS: Sorry.

RORY: Oh, man, I should go find him.

JESS: He'll figure it out when he sees all the numbers getting smaller instead of bigger.

RORY: He still thought I was a native. That's cool.

JESS: I'm your witness.

RORY: Well, I should go.

JESS: Okay.

RORY: I gotta go to my mom's graduation.

JESS: And give her Belinda.

RORY: And give her Belinda.

JESS: Go on. I'll check on the guy, I’ll make sure he's not wandering around looking for 44.

[Rory boards the bus and looks at Jess through the window.]

JESS: Why did you come here?

[Rory opens the window.]

RORY: What?

JESS: I said, why did you come here?

RORY: Well -

JESS: I mean, you ditched school and everything. That's so not you. Why'd you do it?

RORY: Because you didn't say goodbye.

JESS: Oh. Bye, Rory.

RORY: Bye, Jess.

view post Posted on 22/8/2003, 23:57

uffaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ma xkè han cambiato la voce di JESSSSS??grrrrrrrr mi suona strana ora!!!! ( o meglio mi suonava già strana l'anno scorso! )


certo ke la voce originale è proprio mmmmmmmm ke ne dite??????
view post Posted on 23/8/2003, 00:08

beLLiSSima la voce di Milo!
view post Posted on 23/8/2003, 12:00

grazie per avermi risposto ladyally uffa mi piaceva così tanto la voce di prima ma perchè l'hanno cambiata??????????????????????????
view post Posted on 23/8/2003, 13:02

ragazzi una notizia bellissima !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ho letto sul sito dei doppiatori che questa voce c'è stata ieri e ci sarà nella puntata di oggi e poi tornerà quella di prima !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
view post Posted on 23/8/2003, 13:21

QUOTE (rory90 @ 23/8/2003, 12:06)
ragazzi una notizia bellissima !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ho letto sul sito dei doppiatori che questa voce c'è stata ieri e ci sarà nella puntata di oggi e poi tornerà quella di prima !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


view post Posted on 23/8/2003, 13:23

QUOTE (rory90 @ 23/8/2003, 12:06)
ragazzi una notizia bellissima !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ho letto sul sito dei doppiatori che questa voce c'è stata ieri e ci sarà nella puntata di oggi e poi tornerà quella di prima !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

view post Posted on 23/8/2003, 13:29

prego Rory!
che bello!!!!nn sentirò più qst voce odiosa!!!! l'altro è veramente bravo..
view post Posted on 23/8/2003, 14:03

che beLLo!!!i'm haPPy!
view post Posted on 23/8/2003, 19:32

icon6  view post Posted on 24/3/2005, 21:15

bellissima puntata... mi sono commossa al diploma di lorelai.. il suo sguardo e quello dei suoi..
stronzi veramente i colleghi diplomati con lorelai.. che crudeli.. emily è davvero forte qndo ci si mette ad organizzare Meraviglioso anke il the che aveva preparato per il "colloquio" con la nipote.. ehehe bellissimo!

Anche se jess mi sta antipatico ammetto che è stato veramente carino in sta puntata, soprattutto alla fine quando le chiede come mai è andata a NY.. commuovente quella parte..

Rory è logorroica.. veramente.. lì alla fine qndo si è messa a sparare a raffica le sue punizioni l'avrei strozzata.. mio dio..
view post Posted on 24/3/2005, 21:39

nella discussione finale a rory j'avrei messo una pallina in bocca
view post Posted on 25/3/2005, 09:49

puntata fantastica.... xkè dopo quella c'è jess ke torna!!!!
Univers@l Girl Friend
view post Posted on 25/3/2005, 11:48

bella puntata...i tagli nn sono stati molti ma, nel prologo, uno era evidente...

carina la scena finale in cui Lorelai abbraccia Rory e le dice che ancora nn aveva capito quanto Rory fosse dispiaciuta...
41 replies since 22/8/2003, 21:11   2267 views