Centro Spoiler e News, Aggiornato a OTTOBRE 2015 (!!!!!!)

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view post Posted on 8/6/2006, 09:21

Il centro spoiler è aggiornato con tutti gli spoiler che escono, in contemporanea ai forum americani. Quindi quando venite qui dentro, evitate di postare articoli che trovate in giro, spoiler, o foto; perchè è tutto già presente. Grazie



the show is moving back to Drama, the Palladinos wanted it in comedy but the studio and LG didn't

Foto promozionali dall'album di Audirox del FanForum:

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Il resto delle foto promozionali lo trovate quì.

Lista degli episodi e relativo topic di discussione. Qui

General Spoilers

QUI potete scaricare il promo comprendente scene dai primi 3 episodi.

21/9/06 - Interviste di Ausiello a Lauren , Scott , Matt e David in merito alla season 7. Qui

La 7 stagione sarà composta da 22 episodi: è stato confermato da AUSIELLO.

Info sulla sigla:
Here's a little something to cheer about it - SP has moved up from #4 to #3, so it's likely he'll appear third in the opening credits. DS on the other hand has drawn #13. Unlucky #13. lol.

Come sapete.. David Rosenthal prende il posto dei Palladino.

*Everwood exec. Rina Mimoun joins Gilmore Girls as a consultant.
Info sul contratto di DS da LarLar1286 a TWoP:
I heard the extra DS eps are for the end of the season, meaning possibly for Rory's graduation etc. They won't have an effect in prolonging L/C. Also, DR & Co. are supposedly up to 7.11 in the writing, and since they can't write L/C for longer than ep 7.13 without knowing for sure that they'll have DS, they must be already writing the beginnings of the breakup.

12/12/06 - Da Genki al FF: DS has signed extra episodes.
*Matt Czuchry comparirà per 15 episodi su 22.


7/6/06-Intervista di AUSIELLO a Lauren ( presa dall'Ausiello Report)

Ecco l'intervista tradotta (grazie a Miss Scarlet ) :

Intervista di Ausiello a Lauren Graham:

Esclusiva: Parla Lauren Graham

Non voglio più che mi si dica che la mia intima, personale relazione con Lauren Graham sia unilaterale. Perchè? Perchè lo scorso Venerdì, la stupenda burlona di Gilmore Girls era appena sopravvissuta ad un gigante alluvione nella Virginia centrale ed era in preda a elefanti, giraffe e ogni sorta di vita selvaggia, in cima a un'arca gigante, coperta di sporco e sciogliendosi a una temperatura di 110 gradi, e non crederete mai cosa ha fatto. Ha preso il cellulare e ha chiamato...me.

Ausiello: Stai bene?
[Frenetica] Sto girando il seguito di Bruce Almighty (ndr: una settimana da Dio), in cui Dio dice a Steve Carell di costruire un'arca, e lui si rifiuta di farlo, allora gli animali iniziano a seguirlo e gli iniziano, tipo, a crescere i capelli lunghi e la barba - inizia a trasformarsi in Noè. Ora abbiamo quest'arca che abbiamo costruito che è letteralmente lunga almeno quanto un campo di calcio. E' veramente pazzesco. Sono stata ferma in cima all'arca per tipo delle ore e sto ancora qui.

Ausiello: Sicura che sia un buon momento? Ho ricevuto una telefonata dal tuo manager che diceva che avresti dovuto posticipare.
Ora è tutto OK. Ho chiamato il mio manager prima e gli faccio, "Sono stata sull'arca. Sono ricoperta da uno strato di sporco spesso circa 8cm." E loro, "OK, non è un vero alluvione. Calmati." [Ride] Ma sto bene per il momento.

Ausiello: Quanto avete ancora da girare?
E' infinito. Si è sovrapposto a Gilmore Girls per, tipo, un mese, quindi ci sono stati circa 30 giorni in cui lavoravo in un posto, volavo di notte e lavoravo in un altro posto.... E' durato circa due mesi è mezzo. Poi abbiamo ancora due o tre settimane qui in Virginia dopodichè 3 settimane a L.A. per fare gli effetti speciali, lo schermo verde e altre cose. E' immenso. E' una ripresa immensa- gli animali e un alluvione ,che follia!

Ausiello: Quanto è corposo il tuo ruolo? Non è quel genere di cose in cui trascorri mesi a fare riprese e hai una parte di soli 10 minuti vero?
Non c'è modo di dirlo adesso, e sicuramente non offrirei congetture che potrebbero nuocermi in qualche modo, Sai com'è. Sono sua moglie, ed è una parte importante. La famiglia è importante per quello che succede nel film. E' uno dei lavori più grandi che abbia avuto, quindi sono felice di farlo.

Ausiello: Com'è lavorare con Steve?
E' stato grandioso. E' assolutamente grandioso, soprattutto perchè ora siamo stati nominati per [uno TCA Award] insieme. Abbiamo avuto una scazzottata stamattina.

Ausiello: Giusto! Siete l'uno contro l'altra nella categoria best-comedy-actor/actress!
Lo so! Non è divertente? Quindi, è stato divertentissimo. Davvero.

Ausiello: Come ci si sente ad essere nominata contro tutti uomini?
Ci si sente davvero fighi perchè sono i ragazzi della TV che più mi piacciono. E questo per me significa un favoloso dinner party. E' completamente inatteso e davvero forte, e i critici sono stati così importanti per il successo dello show e per me in particolare che ne sono molto grata. Questo è il periodo dell'anno in cui tutti iniziano a chiedermi riguardo gli Emmys, perchè penso di essere diventata come Susan Lucci (immagina) - eccetto il fatto che io non sono nemmeno mai stata nominata.

Ausiello: Sei a conoscenza dei cambiamente nel sistema degli Emmy quest'anno?
Si, ma non li capisco proprio. So che è una cosa del tipo chiudono tutti in una stanza di proiezione e sei quasi costretto a guardare un episodio. Davvero non capisco qual è la differenza.

Ausiello: Dato che io l'ho capito, i membri dell'Academy decideranno i migliori 10 -15 nominati nelle categorie principali, e poi un nastro blu sceglierà i 5 finalisti, ma solo dopo aver guardato gli episodi di tutti i pre-nominati.
Beh, credo che sia interessante, ma mi chiedo se potrà esserci d'aiuto o meno, francamente, perchè gli episodi di Gilmore che mi piacciono di più in genere sono i più drammatici. Penso che i nostri episodi più forti siano i meno divertenti, ma siamo comunque nella categoria comedy. Comunque lo si guarderà insieme a qualcosa che ha una traccia umoristica, e potrebbe sembrare strano.

Ausiello: Bene, parlando di Gilmore, qual è stata la tua reazione quando hai scoperto che Amy andava via?
Sono ancora in una sorta di rifiuto. Stava dirigendo il finale della stagione e mel' ha detto personalmente una notte dopo il lavoro. Sai, c'erano stati dei mormorii, ma ci sono sempre in questo periodo dell'anno, perchè hanno rinegoziato più o meno un anno alla volta. Pensavo che ci sarebbe stata una possibilità di riconciliazione. Da quanto ho capito da lei e poi da quanto è stato pubblicato, le ragioni non concordano. Quindi non so. Sono entrambe persone di grande talento.

Ausiello: Come l'hai presa da un punto di vista personale?
Sono triste. Sono triste perchè penso che probabilmente questo sarà l'ultimo anno dello show e non lo finiremo insieme. Ci sono stati alti e bassi nel corso degli anni, come in tutte le collaborazioni, ma io mi fido dei suoi dialoghi. Non sempre mi piaceva come stava andando la storia, e non sempre mi piacevano le trame, ma mi paice tantissimo il suo linguaggio. E lei ha avuto una parte importante in ogni episodio. D'altro canto, ora siamo nelle mani di David Rosenthal, che ha molto talento, è molto gentile, e merita davvero tutta la fiducia nel fatto che lo show andrà benissimo. La maggior parte degli show, a questo punto, non hanno i loro autori originali ancora con sè. Inoltre ora abbiamo una squadra molto più grande di sceneggiatori, perchè quando sei una squadra marito-moglie a scrivere ogni episodio, non hai molti altri sceneggiatori. Qundi ora abbiamo persone davvero di alto livello che sono fans dello show, e penso che quest'energia potrà essere molto importante. E' in nostro settimo anno, quindi dobbiamo guardarlo come un'opportunità per avere una sorta di rinnovamento. Ma Amy ed io ci mandiamo e-mail di continuo. Penso che andrà tutto bene.

Ausiello: Una delle cose che Amy e Dan volevano era un accordo biennale, che ha colpito molte persone dato che tu e Alexis avete espresso chiaramente che lascerete lo show dopo la prossima stagione. Come rispondi?
Voglio dire, non so. Penso sia molto meglio lasciare... Penso che loro sperassero che avremmo cambiato idea.

Ausiello: C'è la possibilità che ciò accada?
Non c'è modo di dirlo. Nessuno ci ha proposto un'ottava stagione. E' anche uno stile di vita oltre che un fatto creativo. Non sono preparata per la vita o altro. Ho bisogno di un lavoro fisso, e questo è un personaggio meraviglioso e un grandissimo show e qualcosa di cui vado davvero fiera. Per cui ci sono sicuramente molte ragioni per continuare a farlo. Ma per me, quando inizi a restare da qualche parte per soldi o per sicurezza, emerge dal tuo lavoro. E' uno show molto difficile da fare. C'è molto linguaggio e per lunghe ore.

Ausiello: Sarà una decisione che tu e Alexis prenderete insieme?
Sarà qualcosa di cui parleremo. Noi parliamo spesso di tutti gli argomenti principali che riguardano lo show. Non credo che ci troveremo mai nella situazione in cui le vuole restare e io no e una delle due deve resistere. Non lo faremmo mai senza che l'altra lo sappia.

Ausiello: Continueresti mai senza Alexis?
Mai. Ma tel'immagini? "Lorelai's Place." Io che, ad esempio, entro nel locale di Luke e , che so, appendo una nuova insegna e inizio a cantare la sigla e a dirigere tutti gli episodi. Sarebbe terribile.

Ausiello: Non so se lo sai, ma la maggior parte dei fans con cui ho parlato non hanno gradito il fatto che Lorelai sia finita a letto con Christopher nel finale.
Non credo che le persone siano state magari contentissime - di sicuro, tutti i miei riferimenti sono di 50 anni fa- quando qualcuno sparò a J.R., ricordi? Oh mio dio, ho 100 anni! Ti risveglia la passione per quello che vorresti accadesse ai personaggi a cui sei interessato. Ed è umano. La cosa che non mi piace della televisione è quando qualcuno fa qualcosa che è assolutamente insensata solo per suscitare shock. La faccenda di Lorelai-Christopher, secondo me, era prevista già da molto tempo. E' stato costruito nella storia per tanto tempo - quando Lorelai non si sentiva capita da Luke e loro due non comunicavano. Christopher e Lorelai hanno una legame e per me questo ha del tutto senso, data appunto la storia. Secondo me, questo è un finale più che soddisfacente. Mi dispiace che le persone se la siano presa.

Ausiello: I Fans non si spiegano nemmeno perchè Lorelai sia stata così passiva quando Luke l'ha tenuta fuori dalla sua vita con April.
Sono completamente d'accordo. Ma ho fatto presente queste lamentele in precedenza e mi si diceva sempre qualcosa del tipo, "Andremo da qualche parte. Ti devi fidare." Il nostro show non ha una trama così "intricata." Non è Lost. Non è quel genere di cose in cui si sente "E andranno a vivere tutti in una caverna," o qualunque cosa succeda in Lost. L'intera stagione ha un arco di tanti piccoli momenti di comportamento. Non penso che sia un personaggio passivo, ma sia nella situazione di Rory che in quella di April, è difficile da interpretare. Ma penso che la conclusione sia stata buona. Tuttavia, se non si avessero avuti tutti quegli episodi in cui tu ed io e tutti quanti eravamo frustrati, la rottura sarebbe stata altrettanto buona? Non lo so. Mi fidavo davvero del modo in cui Amy raccontava una storia, ed è questo il suo modo di raccontare una storia. Ci potranno essere delle differenze quest'anno, e allora le persone si lamenteranno di ciò? "E' successo troppo!" Sai, "Lorelai è di nuovo troppo impudente!" Se ami uno show o un personaggio... è come i Clippers. I Clippers non vincono sempre, ma mi piace ancora andare a una partita dei Clippers. Se ti piace la squadra, allora ritorni e guardi la squadra. Ma questo è un altro motivo per cui penso che forse questo sarà il nostro ultimo anno. Penso che la storia sia in qualche modo destinata al punto in cui Rory si laureerà e qualcosa si risolverà nella faccenda di Luke/Christopher. E magari Lorelai finisce con Mr. Big.

Ausiello: Sai quali sono i piani di David per la prossima stagione?
No. Ma nemmeno lui lo sa. Ho avuto un piacevole incontro con lui non molto tempo fa, e gli autori stavano seduti insieme a buttare giù delle storie. So che me ne parlerà perchè lui è fatto così. Quindi, penso che saprò molto di più di quanto dovrei sapere normalmente.

Ausiello: Sarai più coinvolta nel processo creativo?
No. Mi piacerebbe essere un produttore dello show, ma non è una cosa che mi lasceranno fare.

Ausiello: Perchè no?
Credo che, a questo punto, ogni richiesta potrebbe condurre a una cosa del genere, "Beh, se vuoi qualcosa allora noi vogliamo un'ottava stagione". Non è niente di tanto audace. Non è comunque un decisione di David; viene da più in alto.

Ausiello: E' di Peter Roth [presidente-TV della Warner Bros].
Già. Ma hanno le loro ragioni. E' importante per me essere coinvolta in questo senso. Sarò ancora coinvolta, solo che in modo meno formale.

Ausiello: Ho ancora un'altra domanda che non vedevo l'ora di farti da Settembre. E' successo qualcosa tra te e Jennifer Love Hewitt nel backstage degli Emmy? Sembravate volervi cavare gli occhi a vicenda quando avete presentato insieme.
Oh mio dio, ma è terribile!

Ausiello: Il modo in cui lei è sfrecciata al podio e ti ha lasciato nella polvere....
E solo per questo! Io avevo un vestito stretto, lei invece aveva più l'aspetto di Audrey Hepburn, e ho pensato solo che potesse muoversi più velocemente. Io stavo ridendo. Ero solo in una specie di, "Ed eccomi qua, nove ore dopo.... i nominati per...." [Ride] No, non c'era nulla. E' una bambolina. E' una ragazza dolcissima.


17/6 - L'intervista a David Sutcliffe (Intervista tradotta da Shoegal)

Non è facile essere David Sutcliffe

Dopotutto, c'è più di una persona lì fuori a cui piacerebbe vedere Christopher, il suo alter ego in GG, bandito da Stars Hollow. Certo, è il primo amore di Lorelai e il padre di Rory, ma ogni volta che Christopher si presenta, le cose tendono ad uscire fuori controllo per le dinamiche del duo nello show.Prendiamo per esempio l'episodio finale della stagione recentemente conclusa, nella quale il rifiuto di Luke ha portato Lorelai nel letto di Cristopher.

"Ci sono delle persone che proprio non vogliono il mio personaggio nello show" dice l'attore. "Lo vogliono fuori. Sono molto arrabbiati per via di quel finale. "E Sutcliffe certamente comprende la loro posizione. "Gli spettatori si sentono molto in gioco. Sono coinvolti emotivamente nello show e vogliono che la relazione tra Luke e Lorelai funzioni. " E questo fa di Christopher la principale deviazione nel cammino della coppia verso l'amore, che i fans vogliono fortissimamente! Ma Sutcliffe non sta prendendo la questione di Christopher troppo seriamente. "Non ho le guardie del corpo" dice ridendo.

Con dispiacere degli spettatori, l'attore ha la sensazione che potrebbe presto recitare la parte dell'iceberg nel Titanic di Luke e Lorelai. Sutcliffe non sa , comunque, come andranno a finire le cose.
E poi, come è stato possibile che un ruolo originariamente definito come "una presenza non fissa" possa essere diventato un ruolo che definisce una carriera? In quel periodo partecipò presto allo show e sembrò che avesse fatto presa sul pubblico, ma certamente non era il tipo di fenomeno che è adesso. Perchè lo è davvero. Lo show va incontro alla sua settima stagione! La maggior parte della gente mi conosce come Christopher di GG e come si sente riguardo a questo? "All'inizio avevo sentimenti contrastanti.E' una specie di ruolo occasionale e mi piace lavorare nello show, ma non è il mio show e non sono sicuro del rapporto tra il mio personaggio e lo show"

Ma Sutcliffe non è uno che si mette a sottilizzare. "In seguito ho cominciato ad assorbirlo e ho capito quanto lo show sia unico e quanto io sia fortunato ad essere parte di qualcosa che è filtrato nella mente del pubblico. Sono orgoglioso di farne parte.
E mentre acuni fans sarebbero felici se Cristopher prendesse la sua roba e lasciasse Stars Hollow, è difficile nascondere le scintille che volano ogni volta che il destino (ovvero gli sceneggiatori), mettono Sutcliffe e Lauren Graham (Lorelai) in una scena insieme. "Io e Lauren abbiamo un'alchimia naturale.E' qualcosa che non si può prevedere.Non si sa cosa può succedere quando il cast si incontra e non penso che gli sceneggiatori hanno previsto che i personaggi si evolvessero in questo modo, ma hanno capito che c'è dell'alchimia tra me e Lauren. Penso che fosse inevitabile che avrebbero fatto evolvere i personaggi e creato una certa dinamica.

Sebbene la vera definizione del lavoro di un attore sia quella di creare illusioni, Sutcliffe sostiene che ci sono certe cose che non si possono proprio fingere.C'è un'alchimia naturale e siamo a nostro agio nel modo di lavorare, questo funziona e non sempre accade. C'è amore e rispetto fra di noi e questo è evidente sullo schermo
Certo, gli spettatori hanno aspettato anni per vedere insieme Luke e Lorelai, ma ci si domanda se Christopher non si è in qulche modo fatto strada tra di loro "E' difficile x il pubblico negare, indipendentemente da quanto lo possono volere o meno. Lo so che hanno paura di Christopher e di cosa può fare per alterare gli equilibri nelle vite di Lorelai e Luke"

Di una cosa Sutcliffe si rende conto, ed è di come i fans di GG siano legati ai loro abitanti preferiti di Stars Hollow. "Qualche volta vado online x sentire il pubblico e conoscere le loro reazioni riguardo a cosa fa Christopher, la gente mi ferma per strada e mi urla commenti di tutti i tipi.E' divertente.Molti fan hanno il loro punto di vista.

In altre parole, gli spettatori sanno che senza Christopher la vita di Lorelai potrebbe essere un pò noiosa E' come se il mio personaggio fosse stato creato x creare scompiglio nelle loro vite ridacchia è un bel personaggio, perchè è il padre di rory, perciò deve sempre essere drammatico e intenso quando appare. Ci sono un sacco di problemi irrisolti tra Lorelai, Rory e Christopher
Ciò è stato dimostrato più che mai nella passata stagione che ha visto Christopher fare un passo avanti per diventare una presenza importante nella vita di sua figlia. E' stato poco affidabile nel corso degli anni e adesso, quest'anno, lo hanno "redento" un pò e trasformato un pò più in un bravo ragazzo. In un certo senso forse possiamo contare su questo ragazzo e forse si sta mettendo in gioco, è una sorta di cambiamento che il pubblico percepisce senz'altro in lui.

Senza dubbio non dispiacerà che improvvisamente Christopher è ricco.Ero sorpreso quando ha ereditato un sacco di soldi. Era decisamente un punto interessante della vicenda. Questo fatto ha completamente cambiato la dinamica del personaggio in relazione a Rory e Lorelai. Gli ha conferito un sapore differente. E' indipendentemente benestante e , diciamocelo, è una qualità attraente!Le donne non necessariamente cercano tipi con i soldi, ma certamente non sono contrariate di scoprire che uno li ha!

Con il denaro arriva non solo privilegio, ma la possibilità per Christopher di mettersi in gioco. Pagare per l'educazione di rory è interessante in quanto gli permette di prendersi la responsabilità della situazione, cosa che non è stato in grado di fare per molto tempo.La mia sensazione è che abbiano fatto redimere il personaggio per farlo maturare.

Certamente, chissà cosa succederà al tempestoso triangolo adesso che grandi cambiamenti si sono verificati dietro le quinte... Sono nervosi, ammette Sutcliffe quando gli viene chiesto qualcosa sulle sensazioni generali sul set adesso che Amy Sherman Palladino, creatrice, produttore esecutivo e pilastro portante di GG sin dal primo giorno, ha lasciato lo show.E' molto chiaro a tutti che lo show è sotto le sua supervisione. Per avere uno show di successo la persona che comanda deve avere un grande controllo su di esso.Ora che lei è andata via, ovviamente c'è trepidazione su come andrà la prossima stagione.

Alla fine comunque i suoi sentimenti sul futuro dello show risuonano piuttosto bene nelle speranze dei fans sulla vita amorosa di Lorelai: La gente spera che tutto andrà a posto.

nella prossima intervista a David Sutcliffe:
-chi potrebbe vincere in una lotta per conquistare l'amore di Lorelai:Luke o Christopher?


18/7/06 - Ausiello - Intervista a DR: (grazie a elda_des per la traduzione )

Finally: Gilmore's New Boss Speaks
Here's my interview with David Rosenthal, conducted immediately following today's Gilmore Girls press tour session. Luckily, he was much more forthcoming during our little Q&A than he was on the panel.

A: Che cosa mi può dire sui primi sei episodi?
R: Ovviamente verrano mostrate le ripercussioni di quanto è accaduto alla fine della scorsa stagione. Non è qualcosa che scomparirà. E' una spaccatura significativa, un importantissimo cambiamento nella vita di tutti. Riguarda non solo lorelai, christopher e luke, ma anche rory. Ci sono molte conseguenze e siamo completamente intenzionati ad esplorarle, le positive e le negative. E' qualcosa di grande, non solo per i fans, ma anche per noi, gli scrittori e i produttori dello show.

A: I fans conservano la speranza che lorelai e christopher non abbiano dormito insieme
R: No, no, no. Questo è un sogno irrealizzabile. Quelli erano due adulti che si sono svegliati insieme dopo aver trascorso la notte insieme.

A: Matt Czuchry è fuori dallo show?
R: No, Dio no. Rory tenterà di impegnarsi in una relazione a distanza. Lui sarà a londra, lei all'università. Ovviamnete, è una cosa molto stimolante e difficoltosa, che presenterà ostacoli per loro due. Ma sono molto innamorati, perciò si impegneranno a fondo per farla funzionare [la loro relazione]. Sarà molto presente nello show e nella vita di rory, ma lo sarà da migliaia di miglia di distanza.

A: Ha lasciato intendere durante la "session" che ci saranno altri ragazzi nella vita di Rory
R: Ci saranno altre persone nella sua vita, maschi e femmine. Forse ci sarà il ritorno di alcuni personaggi delle passate stagioni.

A: Marty?
R: Forse Marty tornerà a far parte della sua cerchia di frequentazioni, e forse alcuni amici che non abbiamo ancora incontrato. Non si è laureato solo logan, ma anche colin e finn. Molte delle persone con le quali trascorreva del tempo sono andate altrove, perciò deve trovarsi una nuova vita a yale.

A: Ho sentito dire che i primi episodi sono drammatici.
R: Certamente. E' una cosa importante quella che dobbiamo affrontare, ma ci sarà anche molto humor. Non stiamo cambiando attrezzatura. Non andremo improvvisamente a perdere quello "spark" e quello "humor" che le persone conoscono e amano in gilmore girls. Lavoriamo duramente per mantenere l'equilibrio tra comedy e drama. Una delle cose che più amo di questo show è l'abilità nel passare dalla comedy al drama e viceversa. E anche di mostrare così tanta comedy attraverso il drama e viceversa. Stiamo lavorando duramente per conservare queste caratteristiche.

A: Amy mi disse di credere che Luke e lorelai sono anime gemelle. E' d'accordo?
R: (esitante)Sì. Questo non vuol dire che da qui a un mese li vedremo dietro uno steccato bianco. Ma loro hanno un legame molto, molto profondo. Certamente lo vedo e lo sento, lo avverto. Ma a volte le anime gemelle trascorrono molto tempo senza stare insieme. Solo perchè qualcuno è la tua anima gemella e forse il tuo ultimo destino, non significa che non ci sia molto da affrontare prima di raggiungere quel destino.

A: April tornerà?
R: Sì, assolutamente sì. April è parte della vita di luke. Egli avrà alcune questioni in merito all'approfondirsi del suo rapporto con april e con anna. C'è tanto da esplorare in questo senso e spenderemo molto tempo anche su questo argomento.

A: E' consapevole del sentimento anti-gilmore che c'è in giro?
R: Lo sono. Vi presto attenzione. Cerco, però, di rimanere focalizzato sul lungo termine e su dove vogliamo portare questi personaggi, sul mantenere vivo lo show e farlo crescere così che possa andare avanti per più che solo questa stagione. In modo che questa non debba essere l'ultima stagione di gg, perchè sento che c'è ancora molta vita nello show, ma penso che sta a noi, gli scrittori, farla diventare realtà.

A: Non ho mai visto i fans di lorelai e luke così arrabbiati. Lei vede questo e poi pensa "Forse dobbiamo fare qualcosa in merito.Non vogliamo perdere questi spettatori"
R: Non vogliamo perdere questi spettatori, ma devo dire che nella nostra stanza degli scrittori una metà non capisce per nulla, un'altra metà comprende che lei ha aspettato per un anno quest'uomo e [lorelai] sente che lui ha fatto una scelta, che lei non è più la principale priorità della sua vita. Lui ora ha altre priorità e alla fine della scorsa stagione lei aveva davvero terminato la sua pazienza. Credo che molte persone hanno compassione per questo e lo capiscono. Stiamo creando situazioni dove i personaggi possono imparare dalle scelte che fanno e da quelle che non fanno. Stiamo cercando di mantenere vivo il drama. Se tutto fosse a posto e felice e nessuno avesse problemi o questioni, non sarebbe possibile un grande tv show. Noi rispettiamo e onoriamo la storia di lorelai e luke, la loro relazione e qualsiasi cosa gli riservi il futuro.

A: Vede del potenziale in lorelai e christopher come coppia?
R: Certamente loro devono affrontare quanto è accaduto, e non è una cosa semplice, ha delle conseguenze a lungo termine. Così, sì...sarà molto presente nello show. Non voglio rivelare troppo, ma sì, costituirà una parte importante nella vita di lorelai quest'anno. Assolutamente.

A: A che punto vi riunirete e deciderete se questa è l'ultima stagione?
R: Lo sa, non dipende da me. E' una decisione del network e dello studio. Guardi, sono sicuro che lo studio e il network vogliono che continui. Noi semplicemente continuiamo a fare il nostro lavoro, sperando di fare uno show chela gente guardi e apprezzi e vedremo cosa accadrà.

A: Amy le ha dato qualche consiglio prima di andarsene?
R: Lo ha fatto. Mi ha augurato buona fortuna. Ho trascorso un periodo fantastico l'anno scorso lavorando con Amy e Dan, e lei è stata incredibilmente supportiva e mi ha detto dall'inizio che c'era una buona possibilità che sarebbe andata via ed io avrei gestito lo show. Quando all'inizio dell'anno scorso mi ha chiamato come produttore esecutivo, questa è una delle cose che mi ha detto. Sono molto onorato di essere stato la sua prima scelta per essere il suo successore. Mi diede un grande brivido. Alla fine della stagione mi ha augurato buona fortuna e io sono eccitato di aver preso il suo posto.


19/7/06 - Intervista a Scott Patterson qui:

Scott Patterson, who plays Luke on The CW's "Gilmore Girls," isn't about to question the writers of the series for deciding to send his fiance, Lorelai (Lauren Graham), into the bed of the father of her daughter Rory (Alexis Bledel) in last season's final scene.

But he realizes it could be a deal breaker for the chances of Lorelai and Luke ever getting married, as many fans wish.

"That's going to be a tough one to come back from," said Patterson at a party here.

What would happen in the real world?

"In the real world, those things happen for a reason and people rebound from them," said Patterson. "It is really a precarious position to be in. I think he'll have to do some soul searching to work his way out of this one. It is not checkmate, but it may be check."


25/7/06 - Intervista di Kristin a Scott. Qui

Riporto la parte relativa a GG:

KV: So, lay it on me. What is your gut feeling on how much longer the show will go?

SP: Gosh, I don’t know. We have new showrunners, so I think it really depends on … Wait, I’m sorry, my phone is ringing.

KV: Your bitches be calling you up?

SP: (laughs) Yeah! There’s just so many of them. I can’t keep track. Here, I need to put this on vibrate. … Anyway, I don’t know how long the show will go. It really is up to the three of us. Or actually, I guess, it’s up to the two of them.

KV: You’re all under contract through the end of this season, right?

SP: Yes. And as long as there’s fresh storylines and compelling storytelling, I don’t see why anybody would want to jump off this show. This is a great show and you just, you don’t get off a hit. You don’t do it. It’s too rare. Lightning doesn’t strike twice. And plus, we’re on a new network and they really want it to go. So I think we kind of owe it to them to at least give it our best effort and stick around as long as we can.

KV: Here’s what I want to know. What are you personal thoughts as far as Luke and Lorelai? Do you want them to be together or do—

SP: No. I don’t. I really don’t. I really think that the tension, and I know the fans are getting a little impatient. I’ve been getting some letters and I get comments in the supermarket and you know, I think you have to careful about that kind of thing. But I think you have to be very, very careful about getting Lorelai -- Luke and Lorelai together. I think it’s better if there is a distance. I think it’s better if it’s an *almost kind of a situation. I love the fact that Christopher is back. I think it’s going to create a lot of tension, and that’s why people watch this show. And whether they realize it or not, once people get together, no matter how artfully it’s done, it’s hard to keep that tension going.

KV: Would you prefer Lorelai be with Christopher?

SP: Um …. I don’t know about that. I mean … I just really like tension. That’s what makes it … you know.

KV: You like to be the grunty, grumpy guy with the backwards baseball cap.

SP: It’s much more interesting for us as actors to play those kinds of scenes. It’s more fun. There are more colors that can come out of it. And look, whatever they do, whatever they decide, I’m sure it will be compelling and interesting, and something that no one’s ever thought of before. And they’re together but, wow, there’s even more tension. So we’ll see. We’ll see.


2/8/06 - Ask Ausiello:

Question: OK, who do you think Lorelai should end up with: Luke or Christopher? — Jessica
Ausiello: I'd like to see Luke and Lorelai end up together, but I'm not opposed to a Lorelai-Christopher pairing in the short-term. Lauren Graham and David Sutcliffe have an easy-breezy chemistry and, unlike L&L, I don't feel the need to cover my eyes when they round third base. There, I said it. Now commence with the stone-throwing.


9/8/06 - Ask Ausiello:

Question: I couldn't disagree with you more re: the Luke-Lorelai vs. Lorelai-Christopher chemistry on Gilmore Girls, but to each his own. More importantly, I get the impression from your comments and your interview with Dave Rosenthal that we are never again going to see L/L as a couple on GG. The most we should hope for is a last-minute reunion in the series finale. Do you think this is the most likely scenario? — Cally
Ausiello: It depends how you interpret Dave Rosenthal's following comments: "Do I think Luke and Lorelai ultimately are soul mates? I do. I really do. But does that mean they’re going to run off together tomorrow and live happily ever after? No. They’re at a point where they both have some regrowing and changing to do, and some things to figure out."

Question: If anyone tries to berate you for your bravery in admitting that Lauren Graham sparks with David Sutcliffe, let me know, and I'll beat them up. — Janet
Ausiello: You can start with OrangeSherbert7, who posted a comment on my blog accusing me of pushing for a Lorelai-Christopher romance to curry favor with Rosenthal. That's crazy talk. I'm pushing for a Lorelai-Christopher romance to curry favor with Lauren Graham. Duh.

Question: What happened to my favorite Lorelai-Luke fan? Have you been brainwashed? — Lou
Ausiello: For the record, my position on this issue has not changed: I'm still pro-Luke and Lorelai. But after the events of last season, they clearly need a break from one another — and us from them. Let's hope absence makes the heart grow fonder.

Question: Dude, that GG/VM Logan-crossover scoop? Best. Ever. Where am I sending you that case of Snapple? — Julie
Ausiello: Sure, now you want to send me Snapple. Where were you two weeks ago when I was lying on the floor of the Ritz Carlton twitching like Whitney in rehab. But I'm not bitter. And to prove it, I'm going to share with you what Rob Thomas had to say about the Oct. 24 crossover, which, as many of you pointed out, isn't technically a crossover since Matt Czuchry isn't playing Logan Huntzberger on Mars. (Cue me rolling my eyes and making a "W" with my fingers.) "The network suggested it, as [happens with] many of these things. But it's one of those times that I'm happy about the suggestion. I'm excited that it's a real actor… rather than a Top Model — not that I think our Top Models have done a bad job." Rob confirms that Czuchry will play Charlie Stone, half brother of Mars' Logan (Jason Dohring), but that's all he'll confirm. "I want to save the rest of the show."


10/8/06 - Da Genki al FF:

there will be more luke screen time than ever before so brace yourself.

logan will have his own storyline in london. luke will have more screen time with april as well as with liz and lane...so lots lots of luke...

and lorelai will still be getting sympathy (not from me) but luke will also won't be bumming around pining for her...

-Da Ciaobella: (parlando della relazione BB)
It (The Experiment, as I will refer to it from now on) will not go beyond the first half of the season. It will be over by the holiday hiatus.

11/8/06 - Da snugglebucks su TWoP

Went on WB tour Tuesday - I can confirm that chuppah WAS NOT in usual place. I DID see it however, off to the side in front of Babette's. Looked like it was undergoing repairs.


23/8/06 - Ask Ausiello:

Question: I read somewhere that only one of the Gilmore Girls producers stuck around for the seventh season (aside from David Rosenthal). Do you know which one? I hope it's Rebecca Rand Kirshner. I like her work on the show. — Isabelle

Ausiello: It is! In fact, she penned this season's second episode, which I hear is better than the first. An guesses as to who wrote the third episode? I'll give you a clue. She previously worked on Everwood and her name rhymes with Gina Bimoun. I'll give you a sec to think about it. [Exactly one second passes.] If you guessed Rina Mimoun, you're right!

Question: Anymore scoop about the Luke, Lorelai, and Christopher triangle on Gilmore Girls? — Jackie

Ausiello: Yeah, but it falls under the category of "spoilers that truly spoil," so I'm staying mum. *** * ******* * ***** ****** ** ** *** **** ** ** ******** ****. * **** ** ** **** ********* **** ******* *** *********** **** — * ****** ****** * ** ******* *** **** — ***** ****** ******** ******. ** ****** ****, *** *** not **** ** **** **.

Question: What do you think the chances are that the last four words AS-P had planned for Gilmore Girls were "Snakes on a Plane"? — Jennifer

Ausiello: I imagine it's at least 50/50.


30/8/06 - Ask Ausiello:


Question: Lauren Graham and Matthew Perry? I can't think of a better couple! Please tell me it's real! — Emily

Ausiello: As I mentioned in the Ausiello Report, it certainly looked real at Entertainment Weekly's pre-Emmy bash on Saturday. They weren't making love on the buffet table or anything like that, but they had a very cutesy rapport that suggested they've been, um, on friendly terms for quite some time. (Did you see how I cleverly worked in that Friends pun? It's a gift.)

Question: We need desperate help on last week's impossible Gilmore Girls asterisk quiz. — Samantha

Ausiello: Did you ever stop to think that maybe the reason I made it so tough was because I could get in a lot of trouble if this particular piece of major-ass-prattle poop got out? That said, I filled in a few more letters for you: **t * ******* * ***** ****** i* i* **e **** ** ** *s****** ****. * **** ** ** **** ********* **a* ******* *** *********** **** — * ****** ****** * ** ******* *** **** — ***** ****** ******** *****s. ** ****** ****, *** *** not **** ** **** **.

Question: Ed Herrmann and Kelly Bishop rock! Any idea if they will get some type of story line of their own this season on Gilmore Girls? — Elizabeth

Ausiello: You already know that Richard will get a teaching gig at Yale and Emily will start training young girls in the fine art of etiquette. What you don't know is that later in the season, Richard will face a medical crisis that show-runner Dave Rosenthal says will have a "profound impact" on the entire Gilmore clan. "Health issues can create stress and conflict and trauma in a family, but they can also bring the family together," he adds. "It's something that will affect not only Emily but Rory and Lorelai, too."

Question: Was Lauren Graham at the Emmys? I can't find a single photo of her. — Mie

Ausiello: If she was, she managed to do the impossible: Elude me.


6/9/06 - Da Caf sul FF:

The C/L will probably not only last 4-6 episodes. It's likely to be longer. I don’t know how long. But don’t count on it being over by hiatus.


11/9/06 - Da Tv Guide:

Luke will learn of Lorelai's indiscretion early on, sending the Star Hollow supercouple on 'separate journeys,' says new show runner David Rosenthal. 'They're at a point where they both have some regrowing and changing to do.' For Lorelai, that means once again playing house with Christopher, while Luke's bond with his daughter April, and her mother, Anna, 'will continue to intensify.' As for Rory, her attempt to make a go of a long-distance relationship with Logan gets complicated by the return of platonic pal Marty.

Richard and Emily will fill their time with new endeavors--he'll teach at Yale and she'll tutor young ladies in etiquette. And later in the season, Richard faces a medical crisis that Rosenthal says will have a 'profound impact' on the entire Gilmore clan.

Amid all the high drama, Rosenthal promises plenty of traditional Gilmore-style frivolity. Supplying some of the laughs will be Paris, who starts her own SAT-tutoring business, and Kirk, who opens a restaurant across the street from Luke's diner.

The big news is that 'multiple babies will be born this season,' Rosenthal reveals, adding that 'there will also be a marriage.'


13/9/06 - Ask Ausiello:

Question: I know you can't reveal the Gilmore Girls asterisk quiz, but can you at least say whether it is negative or positive for Luke and Lorelai fans!— Kelly
Ausiello: The only thing I'll say is it's huge. Possibly the biggest thing to happen on Gilmore Girls ever.

Question: We need you urgently! There is a Gilmore Girls spoiler going around that Lorelai finds out that she is adopted. Is there any truth to that? If so I think I'll die!— Caroline
Ausiello: Totally. Not. True.

Question: OK, the Gilmore Girls asterisk quiz is still impossible. Those very few letters you filled in didn't help at all! I'll send you a case of Snapple if you give us more hints.— Manda
Ausiello: I give up! You guys have finally worn me down. I've gone ahead and filled in the entire last sentence. And here's tip: If you can figure out what's between those dashes, you're more than halfway there. "**t * ******* * ***** ****** i* i* **e **** ** ** *s****** ****. * **** ** ** **** ********* **a* ******* *** *********** **** — * ****** ****** * ** ******* *** **** — ***** ****** ******** *****s. If anyone asks, you did not hear it from me."


14/9/06 - Ausiello Report intervista a DR:

It's a Gilmore Girls Spoilerganza!
No, I won't be revealing any more letters to that nagging asterisk puzzle today. Sorry, but you Gilmore Girshippers have proven way too sharp for your own good, and I promised certain VIPs that I wouldn't spill the proverbial beans this early in the game. But here's something that should more than make up for me being a big ol' tease. I recently unearthed from the archives this exclusive interview with Gilmore show-runner David Rosenthal that I conducted in August for TV Guide's Returning Favorites issue (on newsstands now). It's chock full of spoilery goodness — some of which I've already doled out in Ask Ausiello — so proceed at your own peril. And please, don't shoot the messenger, no matter how strong the urge. Remember: The messenger is good. (And last I checked, kinda sexy.)

Ausiello: Now that you've completed your first episode as show-runner, what was it like?
David Rosenthal: It was great. Everybody's in great spirits and very excited and it was a really good first week. It's a group that's been together a long time, so they really know their stuff.

Ausiello: When will the show take it's traditional summertime leap forward in time?
Rosenthal: The first three episodes of the season are kind of the summer. You know, Rory's home from school. And then Episode Four, Rory will be heading back to school. So the big jump will be between Episodes Three and Four. There will be a few weeks between Two and Three, but One and Two are pretty continuous. We view them as a two-hour Gilmore Girls movie. It's just a lot of emotional stuff that we're facing.

Ausiello: I got the sense that Luke was headed somewhere at the end of the premiere.
Rosenthal: Luke will definitely be heading somewhere when we come up in Episode Two, but I don't wanna ruin it. I think people will be very curious and interested to see where he's going.

Ausiello: Will those first three episodes primarily focus on the fallout from Lorelai's night with Christopher?

Rosenthal: Yeah. I mean, there's so many ramifications, not only for Lorelai and for Luke, but you know, for Rory and for Christopher. Something like this sends shockwaves out, so there's a lot to deal with. There's still obviously a lot of other [fun] stuff going on, but in terms of emotionally, yeah, there's a lot of fallout. I also feel like the first five or six episodes are really kind of setting Luke and Lorelai on a course for the season. And it's gonna take a few episodes for us to get them out at sea and on their journeys for the year. But I'm hoping the audience will be with us and interested and ready to follow them where they're going.

Ausiello: Is it safe to say Luke and Lorelai are taking separate journeys?

Rosenthal: They definitely are on separate journeys, but their journeys will also intersect and overlap. It won't be like Luke's over here and Lorelai's over there and never the two shall meet; not at all. They're on their own journeys, but those journeys will come together.

Ausiello: There's a line in the first episode where Lorelai tells Luke it's over. How much should L/L fans read into that?
Rosenthal: Time has a way of healing. She means it, but is that the case forever? I don't believe that. Do I think Luke and Lorelai ultimately are soul mates? I do. I really do. But does that mean they're gonna run off together tomorrow and live happily ever after? No. But I think it seems like they're at a point where they both have some re-growing and changing to do and some things to figure out. It's over for now.

Ausiello: How pivotal is Christopher in Lorelai's journey this season?
Rosenthal: Very. He's a big part of her life and he's a big part of Rory's life. This past season he really showed a different side of him, a more patient side, a more mature side. And I feel like he's earned their trust in a way he really hasn't before, and he's in their lives in a way he really hasn't been before.

Ausiello: Will they be back together romantically?
Rosenthal: Certainly, given what's happened… Yeah. Absolutely.

Ausiello: And I assume Anna and April will be a big part of Luke's journey.
Rosenthal: Absolutely. Those relationships will continue to intensify.

Ausiello: What's up with Richard and Emily?
Rosenthal: Obviously, the Luke and Lorelai relationship will impact them. They've always been very conflicted about Luke and his role in Lorelai's life. Also, Richard is going to be offered a guest lecturer-ship at Yale, so he'll be on campus and around Rory. Emily, as part of her DAR work, is doing a little Cotillion training for young girls. She's running her own little etiquette school, which will be very funny. I think it'll really be a great thing for her. There also might be some health issues coming up this year.

Ausiello: For Richard?

Rosenthal: Yeah. So that's something that could impact them significantly in terms of his work and also kind of Emily's role in his life and their dynamic. I think health issues can create stress and conflict and trauma in a family, but they can also bring the family together. It can bring mothers and daughters close together and it can bring grandparents and grandchildren close together.

Ausiello: I hear the Stork will pay a visit to Stars Hollow this season.
Rosenthal: There will be multiple babies born this season. There also will be a marriage.

Ausiello: Please tell me Lorelai won't be faced with a "Who's the daddy" quandary.
Rosenthal: No, no, no. I promise. There are no sharks anywhere near our set and there will be no jumping of them.

Ausiello: OK, that's fantastic news. Why did you decide to keep Logan in London? I thought for sure he would find some way to wiggle himself out of that situation.
Rosenthal: I think it presents an interesting issue for Rory, and it's a complicated thing when you're still in college and your boyfriend or girlfriend has graduated and moved on. And not only moved on — he's in the professional world and she's still in college. We just thought, why rush him back when there's stuff to explore there? I think it's interesting for Rory to have to find her own way at Yale without Logan, and also try to maintain this relationship and to see how much she really loves this guy, how deeply the feelings run. But I promise you, Logan will be a major part of her life this year, and they will find ways to be together.

Ausiello: Were you OK with Matt Czuchry doing an episode of Veronica Mars?
Rosenthal: I just wanted to make sure he was not playing a character similar to who he's playing on Gilmore Girls. I think Matt's a terrific actor. He has great range and ability to play all kinds of characters. I support Matt and would love him to do all kinds of work outside the show. I just didn't want it to feel like, “Logan's guest starring on Veronica Mars.”

Ausiello: When and how will Marty reappear in Rory's life?
Rosenthal: He makes kind of a surprising appearance when she's least expecting it. And whether intentionally of unintentionally, he definitely stirs up some trouble in her personal life in a big way. He really causes her a lot of problems. Marty's grown up a little. He's developed a thicker skin; he's a little tougher. He's not such a boy anymore. His actions will definitely cause trouble in Rory's life.

Ausiello: Now for the most frequently asked question from fans: Will we ever see Mr. Kim?
Rosenthal: Nope. Mr. Kim is a mystery. Perhaps one day that mystery will be answered, but there are no plans now. I think Mr. Kim is like Norm's wife Vera. Better to just imagine him.


20/9/06 - Ask Ausiello:

Question: Is there a chance David Sutcliffe might stick around for more than 13 episodes on Gilmore Girls this season?— Volkonov S
Ausiello: Yes. He told me at Monday's launch party that he's currently in talks "about [doing] a number of episodes in the [last] nine."

Question: At the risk of angering the Gilmore Girls masses, I like Christopher. Is he actually going to get his chance with Lorelai this time around?— Libby
Ausiello: Cover your eyes, L/L fans. (Yes, he is.) David Sutcliffe was very cagey about the rekindling of Lorelai-Christopher, but I did manage to get him to confirm rumors that they'll be jetting off to Paris for a romantic rendezvous during November sweeps. But, unfortunately for Sutcliffe, they won't be going to the real Paris. He says there was a "30-second conversation" about doing a location shoot in France, but saner (i.e., budget-conscious) minds prevailed, and now "Paris is on the backlot of Universal." BTW, Sutcliffe's no dummy: He knows the majority of Gilmore fans loathe his character. "It's a 70/30 split," he ventures. "I do have my fans, but I have my detractors as well."

Question: You're torturing people with this Gilmore Girls asterisk puzzle! You've gotta give us some more information!— Claire
Ausiello: There's a pivotal five-letter word toward the end of the quiz that, if solved, will give the whole thing away. And from what I can tell, not a single person out there in Webland has guessed that word correctly.

Question: Please tell me Lorelei is not going to have Christopher's baby again. — Liz
Ausiello: Is "pregnant" a five-letter word? Didn't think so.

Question: Have you seen the second episode of Gilmore Girls?— Veronica
Ausiello: Yes, and you know how I complained that Lorelai just wasn't upset enough in the season premiere about what she had done to Luke? Well, the breakdown comes in Episode 2, and it's a heart-crusher. (All is forgiven, LG!) Overall, it was another stellar outing, highlighted by Lane's big ********* news (hmmm... how many letters do you count there?), two pivotal run-ins between L&L (one in a busy intersection, another in a supermarket — a real supermarket, not some cheesy set piece), yet another Battlestar Galactica reference, and a riotous "guest appearance" by Sandra Oh.

Question: How great was the Studio 60 premiere? Just one question: Do they ever show the "forbidden" skit?— Kelly
Ausiello: It's not in next week's episode, so I imagine they wisely decided that that's something best left to viewers' imaginations. While we're on the topic of Studio 60, Lauren Graham totally let something slip about the very special costar who will be joining her during her two-episode Studio arc next month. Hint: It's directly tied to her duties as guest host of the show-within-the-show. (You'll get your answer when the video interview goes up.)

Question: Scott Patterson gets so little ink about his consistently delightful portrayal of Luke. I would love it if you would pass on to him the fact that his talent isn't going unnoticed.— Courtney Morrow
Ausiello: I totally did, and you'll see for yourself when my red, er, green carpet interviews go live later this week. Wait until you see him in the season premiere. I think he gives one of his best, most heartbreaking performances ever -- particularly in the final scene.


21/9/06 - QUI trovate le interviste a Lauren , Scott , David e Matt di Ausiello al launch della CW.

27/9/06 - Ask Ausiello:

Question: Do you know more about Anna's swim coach, the one Luke takes out on a date on Gilmore Girls?— Craig Best

All I know is that she's basically a slut who has a reputation for sleeping with all of her students' dads. In other words, it ain't gonna last. In related news, check out my Scott Patterson interview to hear his thoughts on Luke jumping back into the dating world so soon after Lorelai.

Question: Michael, honey, I'm here to send you some love and to say, after reading all of those comments from angry Gilmore Girls fans posting to the Ausiello Report, run for your life! Just remember it's not about you. Deep, deep, deep down, all of them still love you.— Lois

Thanks, Lois. You know, if I were guilty of what they're accusing me of, did they ever stop to think that maybe, just maybe, I had a very good reason for doing what I did? And maybe, just maybe, they should trust that I've got everyone's best interests — including, of course, my own — at heart? So, what may seem to be an elaborate cover-up to GG fans, could, in fact, actually be a nice big gift disguised as an elaborate cover-up. But that's if I were guilty. (BTW, the five-letter word is not "marry.")

OK, ladies and gents, another AA has passed us by. Head on over to the Ausiello Report to comment on this week's column with other TV nutjobs like yourself, and send all your questions to [email protected]. And please don't forget to watch the third-season premiere of Veronica Mars this Tuesday, immediately following Episode 2 of the Gilmore Girls. It's do-or-die time for our pals in Neptune!


29/9/06 - Da Genki al FF:

Confirmation: Lorelai does marry Chris...


29/9/06 - Da notoutforawalk al FF:

I suspected confirmation any day, because when I went on the tour, yesterday, the guide was saying he "knew things he wished he didn't". And I pretty much told him, "Dude. Everyone is pretty sure that they are marrying off LC. And there are not a whole lot of people who want it to happen." He danced around that and played, "Look at the shiney George Clooney!" (Dude. GC is ********** hot.) But he kept going on about this big event that would effect "everyone, even Luke". (That was when my friend said something about the wedding thing, since she wasn't there when I mentioned that before.) He said that wasn't "the" event he was talking about. (SO, no flat out no, but no confirmation.) It is going to "rock them all to their foundations, including Luke." Plus, there was another guide there and she was all, "I like Chris. David is so nice." I pointed out that DS seemed nice, but that DS wasn't Chris. Heh. But neither one would respond on the marriage topic though, not that I blame them. Something about their faces, though... My friend and I were like, "And that's confirmation." (It felt like the one ladywas trying to sell us on him. At the end of the tour, we were joking with our guide and said to tell the other one that we appreciated all that she had helped us do, but that Christopher would always be a douchebag, no matter how nice DS is. He cracked up.)

Not really any scoop, they were filming a scene with Emily/Lorelai, Sookie/Micheal and a third where, "Chris persuades Lorelai to go to a parent thing at Yale." I wish they hadn't ben filming on all the soundstages. This guy seemed much more into GG than the one I had on the short tour, but it was the short tour guy who managed to get us onto the stage with the YDN and Rory/Logan's apt., because they weren't filming on Tuesday. Oh. And Chris is living in a town house. (It is at the end of the street that dead ends at the commissary, across from the theater.) I couldn't bring myself to take a picture though. Heh. They have also put in Liz and TJ's interior, either in the old Seaver house, or the one next door. (I can't remember which. I was freaking out at walking through Kim's Antiques.)


4/10/06 - Ask Ausiello:

Question: Amy Sherman-Palladino is still being credited as an executive producer on Gilmore Girls. What's the deal? Is she back?— Xander Adam
Um, no. It's a contractual thing. Sort of like Edward Herrmann's wacky "special appearance by" credit.

Question: There is this awful rumor about Richard dying this season on Gilmore Girls, and it's breaking my heart. Please, tell me this isn't true.— Andréa
It isn't true.

Question: Fight on! Gilmore Girls is filming at USC this week. I just saw Lorelai and Christopher go to Yale Parents' Weekend.— Remy
Thanks for the Gilmore tip, fellow Trojan!


11/10/06 - Ask Ausiello:

Question: Any new spoilers you can divulge for GG without getting fired?— TVDiva

Ausiello: I'm going to have something big for you Gilmore nuts very soon. I've put the show on the AA backburner these past few weeks, and I promise I'm going to make up for it in a major way in the next week or two. I'll also be revealing the answer to the controversial asterisk quiz at that time, as well as offering my official response to Oliver Stone's forthcoming conspiracy-laden AA exposé, "Whispergate." In the meantime, here's a mini-scoop: I received an unconfirmed tip that April will move in with Luke at the end of the month.

Question: I have a big box of Smurfs and Snapple stamped and ready to mail if you have the answer to this: Do you have any details on when Marty will be on Gilmore Girls?— Amy

Ausiello: Nov. 14 is the big day. Now, gimme my Snapple!


18/10/06 - Ask Ausiello:

Question: I think you are fibbing to me re: Papa Gilmore. Swear on your entire Smurf collection that Richard doesn’t leave us and then I’ll believe you.— Kim
Ausiello: I swear on my entire Smurf collection that Richard doesn't leave us.

Question: I'll send you three kilos of swiz goat cheese if you can tell me what you know about Richard Gilmore's possible death?— A.B
Ausiello: He's not dying, people!

Question: For weeks you've been dishing out precious few GG spoilers. What is happening?— Elen
Ausiello: You're right. And to make it up to you, I'm going to fill in a few more letters in my GG asterisk quiz. (Major-ass spoiler alert.) But I suppose I could reveal it in the form of an asterisk quiz. I have it on good authority that Lorelai and Christopher — I cannot believe I am telling you this — e***e during November sweeps. If anyone asks, you did not hear it from me.

Next week: Gilmore show-runner David Rosenthal will be here to explain why he decided to have Lorelai and Christopher e***e. And I'll finally reveal what transpired between Lauren Graham and myself at the CW launch party that almost landed me on the unemployment line (not really), nearly ruined my relationship with the CW (as if) and taught me a valuable lesson about why it's never a good idea to whisper a secret into someone's ear without covering your mouth. In the meantime, head on over to the Ask Ausiello discussion thread to chat about this week's column and to see who can come up with the most five-letter words that begin and end with "E." Here's one to get you started: Ernie!


24/10/06 - TV Guide Tidbit about the Elopement.

"Chatterbox Lorelai will soon utter the six words that have so far eluded her: 'With this ring, I thee wed.' Just months after calling off her engagement with Luke (Scott Patterson), Lorelai (Lauren Graham) will impulsively marry Christopher (David Sutcliffe) during a romantic trip to Paris (11/14, 8/7c, The CW). 'It's going to have a profound impact on everybody,' reveals exec producer David Rosenthal, who adds that the union reflects the 'deepening of their relationship.' But Luke and Lorelai aren't done. 'They are by no means forever separated,' Rosenthal hints. 'They're still very much a part of each other's lives, and will be in the future in significant and profound ways.'"


24/10/06 - Ausiello Report intervista a DR:

Gilmore Girls Exclusive: Lorelai and Chris E***e!
I strung you along for months. I teased you with impossible-to-solve asterisk quizzes. I accidentally ruined the surprise during a video interview with Lauren Graham and then attempted an elaborate cover-up that historians would later dub, "Whispergate" (more on that in this week's Ask Ausiello).

But that's all behind us now. It's time to come clean. No more secrets. For all you spoilerphobes, that's your cue to head to the nearest exit, because things are about to get extra scoopy. As you may've pieced together from last week's Ask Ausiello, Lorelai and Christopher will — pause for dramatic effect — spontaneously tie the knot (read: elope) during a romantic trip to Paris on Gilmore Girls next month. November 14 to be exact.

OK, breathe. Splash some cold water on your face. Grab the back of someone's hand and slap yourself with it. But by all means, pull yourself together long enough to read my exclusive interview with Gilmore show-runner David Rosenthal. Not only does he confirm the elopement, but DR explains why he decided to go there and what this means for Lorelai and Luke. And while I had him on the horn, I tossed in a few questions about Marty's return, Richard's "death" and what role AS-P might play in the series finale.

Ausiello: Now that the secret is out, are you worried about a backlash from Luke and Lorelai fans?
David Rosenthal: No, I’m not worried about any backlash. I’m really excited about the storylines this year. I think it’s gonna make for a really interesting season and I hope the fans will stay with us and follow Lorelai through this journey she's on.

Ausiello: Luke and Lorelai fans are not going to be thrilled with this development.
Rosenthal: I am a Luke and Lorelai fan as well. This is not an anti-Luke and Lorelai development. Luke and Lorelai are right now on separate journeys, but they are by no means forever separated. They’re still very much a part of each other’s lives and will be in the future in significant and profound ways.

Ausiello: How does this elopement figure into Lorelai’s journey?
Rosenthal: I think it’s just a natural outgrowth of what’s been going on with Lorelai this season and her reaction to last year and everything that happened with Luke. Obviously, [all the] episodes [leading up to the elopement] haven’t aired yet, but I think you’ll see over the next [several] episodes their relationship building. Christopher and Lorelai have a very deep, long history. This isn’t just some guy in her life. This is the father of her only child and a man who she’s known for virtually her entire life; they’re very connected. I think people will see sides of Christopher that they’ve never seen before. It’s a more complex relationship than people are used to seeing between Lorelai and Chris. The times before when Christopher and Lorelai have gotten together, something has always gotten in the way — whether Chris wasn’t ready, or Lorelai wasn’t ready, or Chris was having a child or whatever it was. Things have really kept them from exploring their relationship and their connection and what they have together. I felt like this year was really an opportunity to give them a chance to do that. And, I gotta say, they’re great together. It’s been really fun working with them.

Ausiello: This isn’t really a traditional, “Let’s run off to Paris and elope” kind of thing, is it?
Rosenthal: It is not. But I don’t want to spoil anything more than that. But no, they do not run off to Paris [intending] to elope. That is not why they go to Paris.

Ausiello: Can you talk a little about the aftermath of this event?
Rosenthal: It’s a very small town, so obviously Lorelai coming back with a husband — and not the husband they were expecting her to have — will have a profound impact on everybody.

Ausiello: How does Luke find out?

Rosenthal: I don’t want to spoil that. But that will not happen off camera; I can promise you that.

Ausiello: There are only so many times the Christopher card can be played. Is it fair to say if it doesn't work out this time, it's not going to work out?
Rosenthal: Absolutely. It's all or nothing.

Ausiello: Are you writing the show as if this is the last season?

Rosenthal: No. We have an arc for the season. We have a plan for 22 episodes. If it ends up being the last season, I’m very comfortable with where we end up and I think it will be a really satisfying end to the series. But it’s also a start of a new beginning for next season. I’d be excited to do another season, but I think that what we have planned for the end of the season could certainly wrap up the series if that’s what’s called for.

Ausiello: If this is the last season, would you be open to the idea of Amy coming back and being involved in that last episode?
Rosenthal: Uh… yeah, of course.

Ausiello: But it’s nothing that has been talked about.
Rosenthal: No. That’s not something that we’ve gotten into or even discussed at this point. The last time Amy and I talked, she wished me luck and I thanked her and told her I hoped she would continue to be proud of the show.

Ausiello: You haven’t heard anything from her in terms of feedback?
Rosenthal: I have not.

Ausiello: There's a rumor going around that Richard’s going to die.
Rosenthal: No! Absolutely not! I promise you! No one’s going to die in Stars Hollow. Nobody.

Ausiello: What's next for Rory and Logan?
Rosenthal: Deepening and intensifying. They’re going to be dealing with more adult issues and more adult problems. And while that will create some conflict, it will also give them an opportunity to grow closer as a couple. But there’s a question of, "Is this the kind of relationship that Rory sees going the distance, or is this just the college boyfriend?" Those are the questions that are going to come up for Rory this year. But there’s a lot in store for those two.

Ausiello: Marty’s coming back next month. Can you say anything about how he’s going to be reintroduced?
Rosenthal: We have a cool way of bringing him back into the show. Kind of a surprising way, which I don’t want to spoil. It brings up interesting issues for Rory and Logan, and I think it’s a nice story arc for Rory. We’re happy to have Mr. Wilcox back on the show; he’s really terrific.

Ausiello: How long will he be around for?

Rosenthal: He’ll be in and out throughout the season.

Ausiello: Might there be another marriage this season?
Rosenthal: God, I can’t make any promises. I don’t know at this point.

Ausiello: So, it’s possible?
Rosenthal: Yeah, it’s possible there could be another wedding this season.

Lo trovate qui.

1/11/06 - Ask Ausiello:

Question: The final scene of last week's Gilmore Girls with Lorelai, Chris and Rory driving back from Friday-night dinner together is what I have been waiting for since the beginning of the show!— Audra Smith
Ausiello: I have to confess, that scene got me a little choked up, too.

Question: I think if Studio 60 isn't "destination" TV for you, it may be time to find a new career. Really, killer stuff on Gilmore Girls, though.— Matt Donogan

Ausiello: You watch Gilmore Girls!?!? Um, last time I checked, Matt was a boy's name.

Question: Hey! You said you were going to talk more about Whispergate in AA! What happened?— Leila
Ausiello: Whispergate? What's Whispergate? Oh, OK. I admit it: I was trying to pull off a cover-up of a cover-up! Here's the deal: During my video interview with Lauren Graham at the CW launch party in September, I tried to coax a little tease out of our favorite Gilmore gal about the big event taking place in Lorelai's life during November sweeps. When she played dumb, I leaned in, covered my mouth and whispered in her ear, "She marries Christopher." Afterward, it took only 48 hours for the conversation to be posted on tvguide.com but a mere 30 minutes before I received an e-mail from a reader telling me that next time, I should do a better job of covering my mouth because it was obvious what I had told Lauren in what I thought was a hushed tone. I blanched. I panicked. I went out for a fro-yo. Then I called an emergency meeting with our tech wizards here, and we removed the clip from the site, edited out the incriminating evidence and put it back online. In the meantime, I did my best to contain the escalating scandal by squashing any and all information that leaked out about the November elopement. That included deleting comment posts in my blog that referred to my big goof and gaslighting the precious few individuals who had seen the unedited clip. I even went so far as to post a message in the Ausiello Report insisting that I had done nothing improper and if anyone thought otherwise, they were crazy. To my surprise, for the most part, it worked. Sure, several of my readers were admitted to a psychiatric treatment program, but, um, they may have needed a screw or two tightened anyway. And I'm told that their electroshock treatments involved negligible voltages. (We're talking fried hair here, not waking Frankenstein.) Looking back, I'm not proud of what I did, but it was for the greater good. You see, I made a promise to my source that I wouldn't reveal that Lorelai and Christopher were eloping until a few weeks into the season, and had I gone back on that agreement, it could have cost all of us some great Gilmore scoops in the future. I did this for you guys. But most importantly, I did it for me. Now, can we all move on? Or at least those of us who don't still have three weeks and a final Rorschach test to pass before they loosen our restraints?

Question: I'm a longtime Gilmore Girls addict in need of spoilers!— Megan
Ausiello: I'm hearing some unconfirmed prattle about a big event taking place in February that, if true, would necessitate another elaborate and impossible-to-solve asterisk quiz. Stay tuned….


8/11/06 - Ask Ausiello:

Question: Are we actually going to see the "I do's" between Lorelai and Christopher when they e***e on next week's Gilmore Girls?— Claire
Ausiello: No. As a safety precaution, viewers will not be allowed into the actual ceremony.

Question: It seems that there has not been a single positive spoiler for fans of Luke and Lorelai as a couple. Be kind to us — give us something good to look forward to.— Maureen
Ausiello: I finally have something for you. There's a moment coming up later this month between Luke and Lorelai that is so moving and poignant that it'll have Christopher seeing green. Two hints: said moment occurs outdoors, and it involves an infant. Also, I hear Episode 13 marks a turning point in the Luke/Lorelai/Christopher triangle. And Richard's health crisis plays a critical role.

Question: Enough about Lorelai, Luke and Christopher. Can you throw Rory and Logan fans a crumb?— Sandy
Ausiello: Huge-ass prattle: Logan's moving home! At least closer to home. He's going to accept a job at an Internet start-up in New York.


15/11/06 - Ask Ausiello:

Question: Can I please have some more Gilmore Girls scoop?— Alli

Ausiello: It's slim pickings, my dear. All I have for you is... wait, what's this? An exclusive interview with show-runner David Rosenthal, in which he discusses the fallout from last night's controversial Lorelai-Christopher nuptials, among other things? How could I possibly have forgotten?

I'm assuming it's not going to be smooth sailing for the newlyweds, right?
David Rosenthal
: It's one thing to go off on this romantic weekend and get married; it's another thing to actually come back and deal with the reality of being married. Lorelai's never lived with anyone. They've never really lived together. This marriage puts a lot of pressure on them both. That's the big theme for the latter half of the season for Lorelai and Chris, and for Rory. She's facing graduation and her future, and she's always thought, "Oh, I'm going to be a journalist." Rory's going to open herself up to the possibility that there are other options out there for her.

Rory's going to embark on a new career?
She's never really considered anything else; now she's willing to consider everything else. And there's the other issue of Logan being back in New York. There are opportunities that could pull her away from Logan. Suddenly, it's no longer a college relationship. It's two people out in the world, so the stakes become higher.

How will Logan's return impact Rory in the short term?
It will kind of rev up their relationship in good and bad ways. We're going to see their relationship deepen and complicate in many ways.

Will Rory find herself torn between Marty and Logan?
No. Marty's feelings for Rory will really be the issue; it's not reciprocated. The man is still holding a torch. It's something he just can't seem to let go of, and it'll definitely cause problems. But there's nothing on Rory's end. It's not her thing — it's his thing.

Back to Lorelai and Christopher, fans are speculating that their marriage is going to be short-lived since David Sutcliffe is allegedly only going to be around for a handful of episodes during the second half of the season. And from that, they're deducing that Lorelai will be back together with Luke by February. Your thoughts?
I'm gonna say, "No comment."
[I don't know about you guys, but that "no comment" spoke volumes to me.]

Question: I heard that Rory gets mad at Lorelai about eloping.— Erin

Ausiello: Actually, I hear Rory takes the news surprisingly well. Luke, on the other hand, finds out when he spots the ring on Lor's finger. That's gotta hurt.

Question: You never talk about Gilmore Girls anymore! What gives?— Candace

Ausiello: I'm inclined to think I more than made up for it this week, Candy. But here's another extra spoilery tidbit, you ungrateful brat: A somewhat reliable Stars Hollow mole tells me that Episode 13 marks a major turning point in the Luke/Lorelai/Christopher triangle. Apparently, Luke and Christopher choose to deal with Richard's health crisis in very different ways: Luke chooses to run around helping Emily, while Christopher chooses to go off and sulk about a bad fight he had with Lorelai. Cue the inevitable Lorelai epiphany.

Question: Will Everwood's Rina Mimoun be writing for Gilmore Girls again, or was that just a one-time thing? Her "Cotillion" episode was fantastic.— Foulkdub

Ausiello: Let's ask Rina! "Sadly, I won't be writing anymore Gilmore episodes any time soon. My development is taking up most of my writing time these days. Possibly in the later half of the season I may try to do one more. Your column is still my fave!" Was it tacky of me to include that last sentence? I'm kinda on the fence.

Question: Your landmark AA column had me thinking: The 150th episode of Gilmore Girls is coming up this season. Any scoop on what it might be about?— Callie

Ausiello: I'm told it'll be just a regular episode. Warner Bros. doesn't really celebrate 150, just 100 and 200. Or, in the case of ER, 900.


26/11/06 - Trafiletto uscito su Tv guide e postato al FF:

Qui la scansione.

linkato perchè c'è uno spoiler su House.

Vi riporto la parte:

Vegas oddmakers ( aka my spies ) are betting that Lorelai and Christopher's quickie nupitals on Gilmore Girls won't last past February and she'll be reunited with Luke by May. "No comment", says executive producer David Rosenthal...

6/12/06 -Ask Ausiello

Question: In the last podcast, you said that the story line on Gilmore Girls with Chris sulking and Luke helping Emily while Richard is sick has been "tweaked." Does that also mean that Lorelai's resulting epiphany about the two men has also changed?— Katie
Ausiello: Turns out it was just a minor "tweaking." The story plays out the same way, with Luke running errands for Emily and Chris throwing a pity party for himself. But it's my understanding that Lorelai's epiphany will be more gradual. The end result, of course, will be the same: Luke in, Christopher out. Speaking of Episode 13, in a Gilmore first, nearly the entire hour will take place in the hospital. I hear there's some great Lorelai/Emily stuff. It's about damn time.


8/12/06 - TVGuide intervista con Sally Struthers - la parte su GG:

Qui l'intervista intera.


La parte 'preoccupante' dell'intervista è:

'And then it's still going to be up to the CW — whether or not they would be willing to let it go forward with one or two characters missing and take the show in a whole other direction.'


Avendo da Ciaobella al FF la conferma che:

The contract that SP signed for this year contained an option for an eighth season. His contract is already set and in place for another year.

AB is the one hold out so far, I believe.


13/12/06 - Ask Ausiello - :

Question: What do you honestly think about Gilmore Girls this season?— Jill Walker
Ausiello: The best compliment I can pay Dave Rosenthal is that it's no better or worse than last season. On the plus side, I think he's done a miraculous job of mimicking the Palladino style. Scene for scene, the show looks and sounds like Gilmore Girls (contrary to what the New York Times would have you believe). Unfortunately, DR has also mimicked AS-P's occasional lapses of judgment, most notably the ill-conceived Lorelai/Christopher union and the so-far-pointless return of Marty. And don't even get me started on Luke and Anna's looming custody battle over April. I pray DR has the good sense to settle this dispute out of court. Bottom line:
Given the dramatic power shift that occurred behind the scenes, I'm enjoying the season more than I ever thought I would. That said, I wouldn't be crushed if our Girls packed it in this May. I think I'm ready to let go. Speaking of which...

Question: Please say you have some encouraging news for us poor Gilmore Girls fans. — Dorian Spencer
Ausiello: Do you consider Amy Sherman-Palladino possibly returning for the show's series finale encouraging? If so, you may wanna check out the Ausiello Report. I just posted an interview that I think you'll be interested in reading.

- Ed ecco qui l'intervista ad ASP:

Scoop! Gilmore Girls Creator "Returns"


Scoop! Gilmore Girls Creator "Returns"

She's baaack! Gilmore Girls' beloved, loquacious creator, Amy Sherman-Palladino, just got the green light from Fox to begin production on her new comedy, The Return of Jezebel James, and who did she call first? I'm not gonna toot my own horn, but if you read on, you'll figure it out for yourselves as I get the ousted genius to dish not only on her upcoming series but also on her former one. She isn't watching, but c'mon, AS-P simply wouldn't be AS-P if she didn't have something to say about it.

Ausiello: How's unemployment?
It's fantastic! I'm so good at it! I never knew I had a talent for something like this!

Ausiello: Well, it sounds like you're headed back to work. Tell me about the new show.
It's called The Return of Jezebel James, and it's basically a sister buddy comedy. It's about a very successful, very driven, very problem-solving kind of woman who's a young adult book publisher. She has her own imprint. And she decides to have a baby on her own and the doctor says, "Whoops, you're not going to be able to do that by yourself. Sorry, sweetheart!" And she winds up tracking down her younger, much-less-focused sister, who's the polar opposite of her. And she says to her, "I will cut you a deal and pay you to carry my baby for me. But you have to move in with me so that I can watch you and make sure it doesn't come out with three heads." And the younger sister, having very limited options, agrees, and that's where our series takes off. But the pilot is these two women reconnecting and cutting a deal.

Ausiello: Is it an hour?
It's a half-hour multi-camera, baby!

Ausiello: Wow.
"Oh my God, are you kidding?!?!" I'm returning to my roots. The weird thing is I started on Roseanne and I never thought I was going to be an hour-long writer. And then somewhere along the way, sitcoms started to be very bad, and very hard, and the process is very draining, and the opportunity to do Gilmore Girls kind of fell into my lap. For me it was returning to roots that I never thought I was going to leave in the first place.

Ausiello: So Fox is ordering a pilot, right?
A pilot and, "Don't annoy us." That's the other order, which I already told them I can't fulfill. (Laughs)

Ausiello: Have you started casting the show in your head?
I've been thinking about casting since I started writing this thing.

Ausiello: Can you tell me your dream picks?
I don't wanna say because then if I don't get the dream the second dream will have become my first dream and then she'll know that I liked another dream and say, "You didn't like me first." And then all of a sudden everyone's dream is mad at each other's dream, and then all the dreams are broken. But these characters, much like what I ran into with Gilmore, really have to be able to do a lot of things. These are really tough-women parts. The older sister in the pilot has to be funny and strong and cry and flip out. There's a lot of ground covered in the 22 minutes of craziness I plan to put on the air. It's another search for Lauren Graham. What's nice to me about these girls as opposed to Lorelai and Rory is, Lorelai and Rory were so in sync with each other and that bond was so deeply engrained in them. These girls have no bond. (Laughs) These girls barely know each other's telephone numbers. Their lives are so separate and so different. They really are building a brand new relationship, which is kind of nice.

Ausiello: Will Dan be involved?
: I'm workin' on him. He's my partner in crime. Nothing's going to be as much fun, and, also, he's the best that there is. I'm not going to find anyone better than him to move forward with. He's avoiding me right now, but I am workin' on him. (Laughs)

Ausiello: Now I have a few Gilmore Girls questions for ya.
(Adopting a Southern accent) Oh, honey, I got nothin' to say about Gilmore Girls.

Ausiello: At least tell me if you've been watching it.
I have not been watching it.

Ausiello: Not at all?
No. Couldn't do it. I think we actually talked about this in our ginormous 12-hour marathon interview with you [last April].

Ausiello: You did, and Dan said you guys were going to watch it.
He may've said that, but I'm a woman, honey. And women can fry up the bacon and bring it home in a pan. Here's the bottom line: If it was great I would feel horrible and want to throw myself off a building, and if it was not what I wanted it to be I would throw myself off a… either way I'd throw myself off a building. So there's no good outcome there. You know, I still have friends there. I keep in touch with the cast. I just felt like it's a new game and it's a new show. Good bad or indifferent, it's a whole new thing.

Ausiello: Have you heard what they're doing story-wise?
: I'm really disconnected. Is one of them possessed?

Ausiello: Lorelai and Christopher are married.
Wasn't that on the cover of TV Guide?

Ausiello: It was. We weren't very discreet about that.
You weren't very discreet at all. You just threw it right out there, baby. I still read Mike Ausiello. That I read.

Ausiello: What was your reaction when you saw the cover?
Look, it's a new regime, it's a new world. There are plenty of people who were not thrilled with me last year, so maybe they're happier with the road that's being taken now. I had my own ideas about everything, because I am me and, to me, my world and everything around me is really all I give a s—t about. So I had my own plans for this year. I had my own plans for a second year. And for a finale. But that didn't happen. So they've got to go their own way. I have no contact with that staff. They've done it totally on their own. I wish them all well while I'm at the Century City Mall. (Laughs)

Ausiello: If they asked you to come back for the finale, what would you say?
Because I don't know where they've gone or what they're doing, that's almost an impossible question for me to answer because, like I said, I have it in my head how I want it to end, but that may not at all jive with what they're doing now. I would say I don't really see how that would happen, because it would be so weird for me to go, "OK, these writers have set their paths, so I'll just do that." That ain't Amy. Amy can't follow someone else's path. Then she wouldn't be the delightful human being that she is.

Ausiello: What if your ending will still made sense in the context of these new stories?
Well, if it still made sense, then it's definitely something we could talk about. I love that show. That show was my child. It was my everything. Dan and I did nothing but that show for six years. We're still staring at each other like, "What do we talk about now?" And I love the crew there. My best friend, Helen, still works over there. And I adore Lauren and Alexis. I love them. I miss them very, very much. I miss not seeing them and working with them. So I can't say that it wouldn't be fun as hell to go back there and hang with them for a while. I'm just not sure if that's really going to be possible. Our storylines were very meticulous. Dan and I crafted arcs to go way, way, way back — for good bad or indifferent. Whether you liked it or not, we really put a lot of time and energy into setting up very early what we could pay off at the end, and I'm not sure that would be such an easy thing to pull off. I won't say no, because it might happen. But I can't see it right now.

Ausiello: Have you made peace with the way the whole thing ended?
All those suckers can bite my ass, ladies and gentleman. It's a business. I think they were wrong. (Laughs) I will always think that they were wrong to not sit down with us and figure out how this could work. The fact that there was no sit-down ever, no face-to-face with the studio or network to try and hash out what we needed and what we were asking for… that everybody just played it off like a negotiation… but that's Hollywood. That will always piss me off, because it's so frustrating that things get turned over to business affairs and then get reduced down to a strategy, as opposed to, "We've been in this for six years together. Can we sit down and talk about how we could make this work?" So, no. I'm still pissed off at something that was done to me in third grade. I'm very Russian in the, "You cross me and I take your picture off the wall once you defect and I don't know you anymore." It wasn't personal, it was just what [Warner Bros.] felt they had to do. I'll always be sad that I don't get to close out Gilmore, because it was my kid. But I've got a new kid now. I've got a new baby now. I've got someone else to annoy me and make my ass chair-shaped.


8/1/07 - Da Ciaobella al FF:

Lorelai ends her marriage to Chris still convinced that Luke doesn't love her

Rory will have an intense crush on her TA, of the romantic kind. Not just an academic one.

But it's just a crush.

24/1/07 - Ask Ausiello:

Question: Great job at the Globes, but you've been very negligent with Gilmore Girls recently. Please give us some more scoop that doesn't involve the death of a pet!— Grace
Fair enough. The buzz in Stars Hollow is that the key to an eighth season may rest in Alexis Bledel's petite hands. Unlike Lauren Graham, who appears to be somewhat amenable to the idea of continuing on for another year, Bledel is proving a tougher sell. As a result, Warner Bros. and the CW are allegedly developing a Plan B that would focus an eighth season on Lorelai, Luke and their new baby, with the occasional sweeps-month guest appearance by Rory. Wow, that sounds like a disaster.

Question: Any scoop for Rory and Logan?— Mel K.
Yeah, but it might make you ill. Matt Czuchry thinks Rory and Logan should eventually (yikes!) go their separate ways. "I would love to see Rory single at the end. I just feel like that's the way the show began, with the mother-daughter relationship. It's kind of like Sex and the City with Sarah Jessica Parker and the big question of, 'What is she going to do at the end?' I thought she should have been by herself, because that was the whole through-line of the show. The most important thing for me is that Rory and Lorelai are there together at the end. It should be about the Gilmore girls and them going forward." You know what? As much as I love Logan and Rory, I kinda agree with him.

30/1/07 - Ask Ausiello

Question: Thanks for all your info on Gilmore Girls in last week's AA! But after getting our hopes up that the season could end with Luke and Lorelai married and expecting a baby, how likely is that?— Christina
A week ago I would've said it was fairly likely. But this week? Not so likely. (Spoiler alert) Shortly after my item ran, a Gilmore insider (who asked not to be identified for fear of unemployment), confided to me that the engagement/pregnancy plot has been scaled back. "They will not be that far along in a relationship [by May]," my spy revealed. "There will be progress, but she won't be pregnant or engaged in the season or series finale — as of now."


5/3/07 - Da Abbyrae al FF:
.I wanted to share some information I revcieved today, although its upsetting for some. I have been told that RL break up for good before the season ends.

Fojbe conferma:

If you need any confirmation about R/L break up, I can give you one. Some time ago my little source told me about it, I haven't said anything in a fear to be killed here for saying this, but since I'm not the only one who heard of it.... it's true


15/3/07 - Ausiello Report:

Gilmore Exclusive: Rory Finally Meets Her Idol!

Say what you want about this season's Gilmore Girls, but show-runner Dave Rosenthal has succeeded where Team Palladino failed in at least one area: He's arranged for Rory to finally come face-to-face with her longtime idol, Christiane Amanpour!

According to multiple Girls sources, CNN's internationally renowned newshound will make a cameo in the show's May 8 season (and likely series) finale. Amanpour's scene is still being written, so all that's known at this point is that she will be playing herself.

As anyone with a passing interest in Gilmore Girls knows, Amy and Dan were relentless in their bid to lure Amanpour to Stars Hollow during their six-year reign. They almost succeeded in getting her late last season, but a scheduling conflict derailed things at the 11th hour. They left shortly afterwards and, well, the rest is history. Whatever mixed feelings they have about the show these days, I gotta think this news will put a smile on their faces.

Now, regarding the small matter of the show's "likely series finale," all I can say is you might want to start saying your good-byes now. Talks to bring the show back for an eighth season have stalled, and, according to several sources, there's little hope for a turnaround.

On the bright side, Rory's finally gonna meet Christiane Amanpour!


30/3/07 - Da craig al FF:
I just got an email from a source

Luke and Lorelai will be romantically involved before season/series end but just how much depends on season 8, but we will know where they stand.

There was a plan for a spin off show with a focus on Luke and Lorelai with baby. But Lauren made it clear she and Alexis would not do a show without the other.

It is about 50/50 for the show to return at this time.

Luke and Lorelai
The are planning an Everwood type ending, as I said before if we don’t get season 8 then they will be together more. If season 8 happens then they will be together but not to the same extent. (IMO this is to play it out longer in the next season.) Whatever happens the news will be good for Luke and Lorelai.

Rory and Logan
Sorry but not so good news for them. From a different source than the other day it was confirmed that they break up because of the proposal and the NO from Rory. No word on the season final for Logan.


11/4/07 - Ask Ausiello:

Question: I heard that Lauren Graham sent the season-finale script back to David Rosenthal because she didn't like it. Is that true?— Craig Best
"Didn't like" is a little harsh, but, yeah, she requested a few tweaks, which, per my Girls mole, "resulted in some nice changes." One crazy rumor making the rounds is that Lauren wanted fewer Luke-Lorelai scenes. As I mentioned in my latest vodcast, nothing could be further from the truth. The details about who does what changed, but the amount of time they're on screen together is just the same. And it's just as significant to their story line.

Question: OMG, is the CW ever going to tell us if the Gilmore Girls is ending? What in the H-E-double-hockey-sticks is going on over there?— Rebecca
Turns out, there's no huge rush to make a decision. I'm told Episode 22 can serve as either a series or a season finale. So, theoretically, they can continue negotiating with Lauren and Alexis right up until the CW upfront on May 17. That said, I hear things are looking up.

Question: Will Logan appear in the Gilmore Girls finale?— Kat
Matt Czuchry is not appearing in the finale, but Logan is referenced during a conversation between Lorelai and Rory.

24/4/07 - Ask Ausiello:

Question: Thanks for keeping us updated on the nail-biting situation that is Gilmore Girls' possible eighth season. Please give us the latest update, even if it's that things are the same.— Heather M.

Ausiello: The 13-episode deal should've been signed, sealed and delivered by now. Something's obviously holding up the works. Maybe Sally Struthers is playing hardball.


Domanda: Grazie per le informazioni che ci hai dato riguardo l'ottava stagione. Per favore, dicci quali sono le ultime novità anche se non è detto rimangano tali.

Ausiello: L'accordo sui 13 episodi adesso dovrebbe essere pronto e spedito. Qualcosa ovviamente cambiewrà strada facendo. E' propbabile però che Sally Suthers giochi a hardball.

3 maggio 2007

Joint statement from The CW and Warner Bros. Television regarding "Gilmore Girls."

"Announcing the final season of 'Gilmore Girls' is truly a sad moment for everyone at The CW and Warner Bros. Television. This series helped define a network and created a fantastic, storybook world featuring some of television's most memorable, lovable characters. We thank Amy Sherman-Palladino, Dan Palladino, Dave Rosenthal, the amazing cast led by Lauren Graham and Alexis Bledel as well as the producers, writers and crew for giving us this delightful gem for the past seven years. We would also like to thank the critics and 'Gilmore' fans for their passionate support and promise to give this series the send off it deserves."

GILMORE GIRLS finale airs Tuesday May 15 on The CW at 8 p.m. ET/PT.

The CW

Edited by Alyss.. - 8/5/2007, 17:44
view post Posted on 8/6/2006, 12:13

grazie per aver postato l'intervista :)
view post Posted on 8/6/2006, 12:33

si......e cosa dice?
io però non riesco ad aspettare luglio.....
view post Posted on 8/6/2006, 22:16

E la prossima settimana uscirà un'intervista a David Sutcliffe, dove forse sapremo qualcosa in più.

mamma mia... -_- nn vedo l'ora -_-
view post Posted on 9/6/2006, 12:22

Mi chiedo perchè lui ritenga di essersi impegnato per non far dimenticare a Rory il suo ex ragazzo nella 6.18 quando noi tutti invece abbiamo interpretato questo episodio come la parola fine a loro due....che dite? Milo ne sa più di noi? o sono speranze di una lit mpazzita?
view post Posted on 9/6/2006, 13:49

CITAZIONE (laralai @ 9/6/2006, 13:22)
Mi chiedo perchè lui ritenga di essersi impegnato per non far dimenticare a Rory il suo ex ragazzo nella 6.18 quando noi tutti invece abbiamo interpretato questo episodio come la parola fine a loro due....che dite? Milo ne sa più di noi? o sono speranze di una lit mpazzita?

anche io sono rimasta sorpresa quando traducendo ho capito il significato... ma non so magari voleva solo confondere le acque- dato che la puntata non era stata ancora trasmessa - oppure anche se non sappamo ancora niente magari ci sono stati "dei contatti" in cui Milo pensa che se riuscirà ad incastrare tutto magari ci potrebbero essere degli sviluppi... non so vedremo...
view post Posted on 9/6/2006, 16:09

ma se daverro voleva far tornare jess non avrebbero scritto sul contratto di matt che doveve esserci nelle ultime 3 puntate

Edited by irene9116 - 18/10/2006, 18:25
view post Posted on 9/6/2006, 17:32

CITAZIONE (irene9116 @ 9/6/2006, 17:09)
ma se daverro voleva far tornare jess non avrebbero scritto sul contratto di matt che doveve esserci nelle ultime 3 puntate

io non so cosa succederà ma il ritorno nelle ultime puntate vuol dire poco, magari Milo non viene ( ma spero di si) ma Rory trova un ragazzo normale e lui torna a fare casino ... il fatto che torni non vuol dire che il finale sara sophies.. e forse l'idea di Milo e forse più importante e affidabile delle nostre, ma nonostante questo non è lui che scrive la serie e soprattutto ha detto che non tornerà come attore fisso ed è tutto da vedere se riuscira ad incastrare GG nelle 22 puntate di Heroes che sta girando, quindi... io ho solo scritto quello che Milo ha detto ogniuno faccia le sue considerazioni...
Super Luke
view post Posted on 9/6/2006, 21:26

ma non c'è l intervista tradotta purtroppo non so una emerita mazza d inglese.
view post Posted on 10/6/2006, 15:59

non è detto che se matt sarà presente nelle ultime 3 puntate il finale sarà rory logan... potrebbe esserci x metere la parola fine alla storia tra loro due... potrebbero esserci jess e logan e rory dovrebbe decidersi tra i due... tutto è possibile.. il mio cuore lit spera...

view post Posted on 10/6/2006, 17:52

anch'io non so l'inglese almeno un riassuntino dell'intervista di Lauren
view post Posted on 10/6/2006, 18:44

ma non c'è l intervista tradotta purtroppo non so una emerita mazza d inglese.
un riassuntino dell'intervista di Lauren

xfavore, l'inglese nn lo so chi può tradurre, o almeno fare un riassuntino... vi prego sennò impazzisco!!!
view post Posted on 10/6/2006, 23:09

io in alcuni siti ho letto che milo ci sarà nella 7°serie però nn tornerà con rory,da quello che ho capito trascrreranno solo una giornata o due insieme
view post Posted on 11/6/2006, 08:23

CITAZIONE (xxLuciaxx @ 11/6/2006, 00:09)
io in alcuni siti ho letto che milo ci sarà nella 7°serie però nn tornerà con rory,da quello che ho capito trascrreranno solo una giornata o due insieme

ma chi Logan?

CITAZIONE (ritalaura2000 @ 11/6/2006, 09:23)
CITAZIONE (xxLuciaxx @ 11/6/2006, 00:09)
io in alcuni siti ho letto che milo ci sarà nella 7°serie però nn tornerà con rory,da quello che ho capito trascrreranno solo una giornata o due insieme

ma chi Logan?

scusa non avevo letto milo
view post Posted on 11/6/2006, 22:21

CITAZIONE (Alyss.. @ 8/6/2006, 10:21)
E la prossima settimana uscirà un'intervista a David Sutcliffe, dove forse sapremo qualcosa in più.

...speriamo in qualcosa di buono...
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