6.22 - Separazioni
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6.22 - Separazioni, Partings (31/07) Season Finale

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view post Posted on 31/7/2006, 21:42

6.22 –Separazioni ( Partings) [season finale]

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Stars Hollow viene improvvisamente presa d’assalto dai Trovatori quando si sparge la voce che colui che era solito esibirsi per le strade è stato ‘scritturato’.
La sera della laurea di Logan a Yale, Rory gli organizza una pazza festa, ma la consapevolezza del fatto che lui sta per essere costretto a partire per Londra rende i loro momenti insieme dolci-amari.
Nel frattempo, alla cena del Venerdì, Emily e Richard cercano di far mettere insieme Christopher ed un’attraente giovane donna. Infine, Lorelai decide di aver sbagliato a lasciare che Luke posticipasse il loro matrimonio così a lungo e gli presenta uno straziante ultimatum.




























(altre screencaps qui)

LORELAI: No, no, that's okay. So, you do sessions over the phone?

CAROLYN: I do sessions whenever people need them.

LORELAI: Wow. That's quite a commitment.

CAROLYN: Well, I've always been a good listener. Excellent note-taker. I have fantastic penmanship. Good head-nodding abilities.

LORELAI: You found your calling.

CAROLYN: [Chuckles] I think I did.

LORELAI: So, it was nice meeting you.

CAROLYN: Oh, you too. You too. This was, this was really very sweet of your mom.

LORELAI: Well, you keep thinking that.

CAROLYN: Hey, it's been a long time since I've been invited to such a blatant setup. It made me miss my own mom. [Cell phone rings] Oh, I'll just let it go to voice mail.

LORELAI: Your work sure follows you around, huh?

CAROLYN: When you're going through something, you never know when you're gonna need to talk. Sometimes it sneaks up on you.

LORELAI: Yeah, I suppose so.

CAROLYN: You okay?

LORELAI: Me? Yeah, yeah, I'm good. It was really nice meeting you. Sorry if I talked too much during dinner. Every now and then, I just feel the need to re-enact certain key scenes from "Purple Rain," you know, for a captive audience. The lake Minnetonka scene really bugs my mom, so...

CAROLYN: I could analyze that one for you if you want.

LORELAI: That one, I've got a handle on. Other things are more fuzzy, but that one, I got.

CAROLYN: Okay. [awkward pause] Lorelai?


CAROLYN: Do you... do you want to talk about something?

LORELAI: Me? No, no, I'm good. It was nice meeting you. Bye. I got to go.

[Cut to inside Carolyn’s car, Lorelai in sitting in the back, Carolyn in the drivers seat]
LORELAI: My parents have been married for 40 years, and that's, like, mind-blowing for me because there is no one worse at communication than my mother, except my father and most of my relatives. It is not a chatty group, basically. Everything in the Gilmore house was "don't talk about it. Shove it aside." Of course, I talked about it and shoved it right in your face, but still, I don't know. I never saw myself getting married.


LORELAI: Not until max asked me... I think. I mean I guess I thought about marrying Christopher when everyone was freaking out because I was pregnant, but I never thought about it in a longingly, good way.

CAROLYN: That could be why.


CAROLYN: Well, marriage was just a solution to a problem, not anything romantic or because you were in love. Plus it came from your parents.

LORELAI: I love that I've got one more thing to blame my mother for.

CAROLYN: What about max? Did you love him?

LORELAI: No, I didn't. I wanted to, but...I didn't. I don't think I ever really loved anyone, until Luke. Did I tell you I proposed?

CAROLYN: No. You didn't.

LORELAI: I did. I saw this guy in front of me who was a real...man. He was solid, and he was strong. He would protect me, but he, he got me. I knew all that when we started dating. But that moment, when I realized how much he cared for Rory, that was it. Suddenly I knew I was ready.

CAROLYN: Did he accept right away?

LORELAI: Pretty much…Hey, where's the weirdest place you ever had a session?

CAROLYN: Skull mountain at six flags.

LORELAI: So, not this.

CAROLYN: Nope, not this.

LORELAI: Well, not only have I screwed up your night, but it's not even a good story.

CAROLYN: It's still a pretty good story.

LORELAI: Yeah, that's good, 'cause I like to entertain. You know. I should have been a monkey in Washington square park with, like, a snappy hat. I feel so stupid. I really had myself believing it was gonna happen. I bought that stupid dress, and now it's just hanging there, mocking me. And the crazy thing is, I am ready to get married. I am ready to start the next phase of my life. I want another kid, and I, I don't want to wait anymore. I don't want to be patient. I've been patient long enough. I'm not happy, and I feel crappy all the time. And I just think I've had it.

CAROLYN: So...what are you gonna do? Only you can make you wait. Nobody else can. You need to decide what you want and what you're willing to give up to get it, and then you got to be okay with that, or you got to be okay with waiting.

LORELAI: I could lose him if I push too hard.

CAROLYN: You don't really seem to have him now, at least not the way you want to have him. You won't get anything unless you ask for it. And if you ask for it and you don't get it, maybe it wasn't worth having in the first place. Some things are just never meant to be, no matter how much we wish they were.

LORELAI: I can only imagine what you could do if you had a couch.

LUKE: Well.

[Lorelai enters]
LORELAI: Hey. I need to talk to you.

LUKE: Where have you been?

LORELAI: It doesn't matter.

LUKE: What are you talking about it doesn’t matter, I've been looking everywhere for you. I tried your cell. I went by the inn. Patty was at your house.

LORELAI: Let's elope.

LUKE: [Stunned] What?

LORELAI: Come on, Luke. Grab your keys. Let's go.

LUKE: Elope?

LORELAI: You said that would be fine at Martha's Vineyard. Didn't you say that would be fine at Martha's Vineyard?

LUKE: Yes, I did. I'm just…

LORELAI: Come on, then! Let's go! We can drive to Maryland. What the hell, right? I mean, you have to see Maryland eventually. We can drive there, get married, and then come back here. And you'll get your stuff, and you'll move in.

LUKE: Okay, hold on.

LORELAI: I mean we have the plan already, right? We just have to put the plan in motion.

LUKE: Let's calm down. We don't have to figure all this out now, do we?

LORELAI: Yes, we do, because we've been waiting and putting it off, and I don't want to put it off anymore.

LUKE: But right now?

LORELAI: Yes, now is the right time. It's the best time because it's now!

LUKE: Come on. [Opens the door]

LORELAI: Your car or mine?

LUKE: Lorelai, let's just talk this through.

LORELAI: No I don’t’ wanna talk, all we've done for months is talk. I want to do. I want to go.

LUKE: We can't just take off and get married.

LORELAI: Why not, Luke? Don't you love me?

LUKE: You know I do.

LORELAI: But I love you, Luke. I love you. But I have waited, and I have stayed away, and I have let you run this thing, and no more. I asked you to marry me, and you said yes.

LUKE: Yeah, I'm just trying to think here.

LORELAI: We fixed up the house, right? We have a bigger closet, and I didn't get the purple wallpaper because you didn't want the purple wallpaper. And if it's between you and the purple wallpaper, I pick you!

LUKE: I didn't tell you not to get the purple wallpaper.

LORELAI: Oh my God you didn't like it.

LUKE: I don't care about wallpaper!

LORELAI: Do you care about me?

LUKE: Yes!

LORELAI: Because I'm going crazy here. I made a commitment to you, and I need to make it happen.

LUKE: It will, it will happen, okay? I just have April to consider.

LORELAI: But once we're married, everything with April will be fine. Anna said so.

LUKE: Anna said so, what does that mean?

LORELAI: When I talked to Anna…

LUKE: When did you talk to Anna?

LORELAI: After the party…

LUKE: I didn’t know you talked to Anna, you weren't supposed to talk to Anna.

LORELAI: I know. I'm sor… God, no! I'm not gonna defend myself! For months now, I've been skulking around not saying anything, not having an opinion, like I'm Clarence Thomas or something, and I… I'm done with that. I-I've been waiting for a long time, and I don't want to wait anymore.

LUKE: I have to think this through.


LUKE: I have April!

LORELAI: You're gonna have to figure out how April fits into our lives, not the other way around.

LUKE: I'm trying.

LORELAI: Well, try married!

LUKE: Just wait!

LORELAI: No! I'm not waiting! It's now or never!

LUKE: I don't like ultimatums!

LORELAI: I don't like Mondays, but unfortunately they come around eventually.

LUKE: I can't just jump like this.

LORELAI: Well, I'm sorry to hear that. [Sniffles] And I have to go.

[Luke looks stunned as Lorelai walks away]
[Lorelai knocks]


LORELAI: [Almost crying] Hey.


LORELAI: Uh, I'm having a really bad night, and, um... I just don't want to be alone. Okay?

CHRISTOPHER: Yeah. Uh, come on in.

[Rory is asleep]

LOGAN: Rory.

RORY: Logan?

LOGAN: Don't get up.

RORY: You're dressed. Why are you dressed?

LOGAN: My bags are already in the car.

RORY: The car?

LOGAN: It's downstairs. I just wanted to tell you…

RORY: [Jumps up out of bed] I'll be five minutes. I just have to find the closet.

LOGAN: Relax.

RORY: I'll just grab shoes and a coat.


RORY: No shoes. Just a coat.

LOGAN: You don't have to come.

RORY: Your leaving, I have to go with you to the airport.


RORY: I have to go to say goodbye.

LOGAN: Rory, no.

RORY: Yes. I have to wave to you at the gate.

LOGAN: They won't let you. They'll stop you at security.

RORY: Okay, well, I'll wave to you at the metal detectors.

LOGAN: Rory...

RORY: I have to go with you.


RORY: Yes. You are leaving for London. Who knows when we'll see each other again?

LOGAN: I thought that was all set.

RORY: What was all set?

LOGAN: Christmas, thanksgiving, Guy Fawkes day.

RORY: That's so far away. I…

LOGAN: Rory, if you come with me, I won't get on the plane…I've paid for the apartment for the next year, so you don't have to worry about that. There's still a few weeks left on the car service, so use it whenever you want. I know that you won't, but just in case you need to. I'll call you when I get in, okay?

RORY: [Sniffles]

[They kiss]
LOGAN: What?

RORY: [Sniffles] I keep trying to think of fabulous things to say, but all I can think is, "say hi to William and Harry for me." [Sniffles]

LOGAN: I love you, ace.

RORY: [Chuckles] That's so much better than "say hi to William and Harry for me."

[They kiss again]
LOGAN: I have to go.

[Rory is trying nor to cry as Logan gathers his stuff, Rory goes to the door to watch him get in the lift]

[Lorelai is asleep and appears naked under the bed sheets, single camera shot all the following action happens be hide Lorelai.]

CHRISTOPHER: [OS] G.G., Come get your coat.

G.G.: [OS] Not that coat. The pink coat.

CHRISTOPHER: [OS] Miriam, where's the pink coat?

MIRIAM: [OS] She doesn't have a pink coat.

CHRISTOPHER: [OS] G.G.! Come back here!

[Lorelai opens her eyes, without moving she wonders where she is.]
G.G.: [enters the room] Who is that?

CHRISTOPHER: Shh! That's your aunt Lorelai.

G.G. : Is she sick?

CHRISTOPHER: No. [Picking up G.G. and handing her to the maid] Miriam...

MIRIAM: Sorry, Mr. Hayden.

G.G. : I don't like to wear my nightgown to bed when I'm sick, either.

CHRISTOPHER: I'll explain later. Have fun at school. Bye-bye hon.

[Chris closes the door, takes off his rode and gets back into bed, He has a very pleased look on his face. He puts his arm around Lorelai.]

[Lorelai has a stunned look on her face, “Sad Realization” of what had happened.]


Episode End

(transcript qui)

MISS PATTY: Paul Anka ha mangiato e poi ha fatto qualcosa di strano con la tua camicia da notte
LORELAI: Ah, si è di nuovo travestito?

RORY: Perchè lo sta facendo?
MITCHUM: Facendo cosa?
RORY: Perchè lo sta allontanando da me?

EMILY: Hai la metà dei miei anni, la potresti aprire tu la porta!

PSICOLOGA: E Max, lo amavi?
LORELAI: No, non lo amavo... Avrei voluto, ma non lo amavo. Credo di non aver mai amato nessuno, prima di Luke...

LORELAI: Possiamo andare lì e sposarci, torniamo qui e prendi la tua roba, e poi ci trasferiamo da me.

LUKE: Lo sai che ti amo
LORELAI: Ti amo anch'io Luke, ti amo tanto...

LORELAI: Non ti importa di me?
LORELAI: Perchè io sto diventando pazza

LUKE: C'è April, devo pensare ad April!

LUKE: Non puoi aspettare?
LORELAI: No, io non aspetto Luke, o adesso o mai più!

LORELAI: E adesso io devo andare...

CHRIS: Tutto bene?
LORELAI: Questa è una bruttissima serata e... io non voglio stare da sola, ok?
CHRIS: Si, entra.

Edited by gloria_ita - 31/7/2006, 22:45
Vale in crisi
view post Posted on 31/7/2006, 21:43

view post Posted on 31/7/2006, 21:45

... :cry:

commento domani, sarà meglio... :cry:
view post Posted on 31/7/2006, 21:46

però sam che cantava l'ultima scena jj :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
Vale in crisi
view post Posted on 31/7/2006, 21:46

ma cosa cè da commentare? La fine della coppia jj, una lorelai che diventa t*oia, perchè è quello che è adesso.
oh my sheep
view post Posted on 31/7/2006, 21:47

La morte di una delle più belle coppie mai esistite nei telefilm.
view post Posted on 31/7/2006, 21:47

Reflecting Light
view post Posted on 31/7/2006, 21:51

Ora verrà aperto un topic per parlare di Lor e Luke, qui commentate la puntata e non andiamo off topic parlando solo di Lor e Luke....
view post Posted on 31/7/2006, 21:52

view post Posted on 31/7/2006, 21:53


grog di magog
view post Posted on 31/7/2006, 21:53

Sono rimasto molto scioccato.....non mi aspettavo che Lorelai si rimettesse con Christopher, voi ve lo aspettettavate?
Super Luke
view post Posted on 31/7/2006, 21:54

i voti di questo schifo dovrebbero essere da 0 a -10 , bravi maledetti Palladino spero che vi venga almeno una colica che vi faccia fare la casa sul cesso per una settimana
view post Posted on 31/7/2006, 21:54

povera alexis
view post Posted on 31/7/2006, 21:55

bambolina killer



Finale adatto al resto di questa sesta stagione: uno schifo
Vale in crisi
view post Posted on 31/7/2006, 21:55


COMMENTO: domani
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