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view post Posted on 14/4/2006, 14:37

Per mettere i vari articoli che escono sul telefilm ;)

questo è un pezzo dell'intervista a hugh che uscirà sul tv guide della prossima settimana (che avrà in copertina hugh :shifty: )

Full House
How does TV's crankiest doc operate? With a lotta help from his friends
by David Hochman

At last, a problem Dr. House can't cure with an insult and an Rx for Vicodin: "It's becoming increasingly difficult to be a regular anonymous person," Hugh Laurie says with a sigh in his House trailer on the Fox lot in L.A. As its second season draws to a close, the popular Fox series is emerging as this generation's St. Elsewhere, a smart hospital drama with enough cool medicine, dark comedy and sexy spark to keep its fame-weary star on call 24/7.
He's sporting the five o'clock shadow and casual attire that have become House's trademarks, though Laurie says he sometimes wishes he could be as intimidating as his character. "If I'm seen on the street or in a restaurant, it's apparently an occasion worthy of being recorded on digital video camera. Surely my table manners can't be that interesting."

Maybe not, but House's bedside manner certainly is. That's why we consulted with the Cambridge-educated British actor (who dropped his dead-on American accent for the interview) and a few of his colleagues to evaluate the metastasizing appeal of TV's favorite pill-popping, Cain-raising medical misfit.

PATIENT: Gregory House, M.D.
BIZARRE MEDICAL CONDITION: Antisocial Personality Disorder
SYMPTOMS: Just listen to him! In the premiere episode, House announced, "Treating patients is what makes most doctors miserable," and it's pretty much been downhill ever since, like when House told his only real ally, Dr. James Wilson (Robert Sean Leonard), "You wouldn't know Prada if one stepped on your scrotum."

Does playing a crank come naturally to Laurie, who was best known before House as the dad in the Stuart Little movies and for wisecracking British comedies like Blackadder? "I'm not this character but I do get grumpy at times," he says. "I can't deny there are times after a few 15-hour days on the set that I'm dragging my feet about coming to work." Adds executive producer Katie Jacobs, "I don't know that 'happy' is who Hugh is. This show puts a lot of pressure on him. He has to rattle off medical terminology in perfect American English. We give him a cane and make him run, and he usually has people sneezing all over him."

To clear his head, Laurie hops on the Triumph motorcycle he keeps parked outside his trailer. "It's the kind of machine that goes from zero to 60 so fast, the skin on your face starts doing ripples," he says.

PROGNOSIS: The glass will remain half empty, creator and exec producer David Shore says. "If a psychoanalyst were to 'cure' House, it would be good for the character but bad for the world, or at least bad for the show," he says. "People think they want House to change, but they don't. They watch him because he's a bastard."

view post Posted on 14/4/2006, 16:08


Edited by *oluha* - 14/4/2006, 18:17
view post Posted on 14/4/2006, 17:15




e infine la copertina di tutto sto popò di roba :P


view post Posted on 18/4/2006, 09:18

sul sito di TV GUIDE fino all'altro giorno c'era un'intervista a lisa edelstein, in cui parla della sua vita, della carriera (e salta sempre fuori il mitico ruolo del transessuale in ally mcbeal :lol: ) e del suo personaggio in house.

NON c'è alcuno spoiler

sono stati così gentili da farne un transcript qui ;) :


view post Posted on 1/5/2006, 16:39

articolo su house, che in spagna sta facendo ottimi ascolti

vi faccio notare come parli anche della "anemica" programmazione su italia1


view post Posted on 17/5/2006, 07:54

articolo su grey's anathomy e house - satine vieni qua a prendertelo pure te :P
David Addison
view post Posted on 17/5/2006, 14:51

Raga,io non so l'inglese. :( :(
Qualcuno potrebbe tradurre o dire in breve che ci sta scritto?
view post Posted on 18/5/2006, 16:27

l'ultimo articolo paragona house e grey's anathomy.

dice che sono simili in quanto vanno in America vanno in onda subito dopo due show di altrettanto successo (Desperate housewives e american idol) e hanno entrambi alle spalle un cast forte, ottimi copioni e produttori e registi in gamba.

invece differiscono in quanto house è un pò come un csi versione medica, insomma una variante alla solita formula procedurale usata in altre serie.

inoltre sono diversi come struttura, in quanto house ha un cast forte alle spalle, ma si focalizza essenzialmente su un solo personaggio principale (grey's anathomy invece è uno show che vede al centro più protagonisti)

alla fine dice che entrambi gli show sono molto ben fatti, e si augura che non esista mai un tv senza questo tipo di lo auguro pure io ;)
David Addison
view post Posted on 18/5/2006, 17:14

Grazie della traduzione.
Miss Congeniality
view post Posted on 18/5/2006, 17:21



ma ci sono altre foto in giro di questo servizio fotografico? :unsure:
view post Posted on 18/5/2006, 17:25

uuuuuuhhhhhhh è vero mi sono dimenticataaaaaa :P

ne ho messe un pò nel topic di hugh :unsure:

le altre potete trovarle qui


Miss Congeniality
view post Posted on 18/5/2006, 17:32

aaaaaaah :wub:

oluha che bello riaverti quiiiiiiiiii :lol:

grazie :fiori:
view post Posted on 18/5/2006, 17:53

prego :lol: :fiori:
view post Posted on 19/5/2006, 12:24


ma guardate quanto bella è sta foto :lol:


l'articolo di tv guide con intervista a jennifer



le magliette di house!! :lol: grazie a lui m'è venuta la mania delle t-shirt strane :ihih:


qua ci sono un pò di spoiler (anche di lost e csi)

SPOILER (click to view)

EDIT: m'è impazzito il tag spoiler :ph34r:
view post Posted on 2/6/2006, 07:54




Uscite le nomination dei Television Critics Association Awards

"Grey's Anatomy" (ABC)
"House" (Fox)
"Lost" (ABC)
"The Sopranos" (HBO)
"24" (Fox)

Alan Alda ("West Wing")
James Gandolfini ("The Sopranos")
Hugh Laurie ("House") <-- vinto l'anno scorso
Kiefer Sutherland ("24")
Kyra Sedgwick ("The Closer") <-- non ci sono le categorie separate, a quanto pare :blink:

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